Significant other

"Master Xin called to ask you to join him for the lunch tomorrow." Gu Tian said after some time.

Again? Long Jie's brow furrowed. It was the third time in the week. He had to admit his father-in-law was an interesting company and he quite liked the time he spent with him. What Long Jie found strange was that not even once he asked him how his relationship was going with his daughter.

Of course, Zhenyi was not aware of their little lunch meetings. And if she was…

" Well… he kind of asked for an appointment for lunch." Gu Tian added after a pause.

Appointment? Long Jie looked at Gu Tian through the rear mirror, his eyes narrowing in skepticism.

As if reading his mind Gu Tian replied," He said he doesn't want to break rules."

Long Jie chuckled bitterly. "Indeed."

This had to be the joke of the century. Since when had any of the Xins abide by the rules and the laws.