Title is a spoiler

"Happy? " questioned Long Jie in a teasing tone.

"Maybe," Zhenyi answered back and Long Jie could imagine a smile gracing her cherry lips and how badly he wanted to kiss that smile.

Long Jie was rather surprised to receive a call from his wife, as she had never called him except once when she needed him to testify in her favor. But when he heard her anxious voice, he felt as if someone had poured nitric acid on his heart.

"Cat eyes? " 


"Did something happened?" questioned Long Jie. His voice was filled with unspoken concern and worry for her. His wife was not the one to look for distractions to ease her restlessness instead she was the reason for people's perturbation.

"No." Zhenyi found herself replying to his question spontaneously. " I feel like something bad is going to happen."

"Stop overthink. I'll never let something bad happens to you." Long Jie surprised himself by actually meaning his words.