His mistress

Zhenyi stiffened and it didn't escape his notice. The fork fell from her hand as she heard the name. Long Jie placed his hand on her, but she pulled it away and met his eyes.

"You had the coffee meeting with Chen Yuling?" asked Zhenyi, hoping she had mistaken her for some other Chen Yuling but inside her heart, she knew what she heard was correct.

Damm it. What was this sick feeling in the pit of her stomach? And why did it affect her that he met Chen Yuling?

Her earlier restlessness had not gone either and now...

"Yeah." And his reply was her undoing.

Zhenyi stood up and fiercely glared at him as if she would bore holes in his head through her eyes. Damm it, those burning eyes were his unbecoming. And what happened next both shocked and amused Long Jie to the core. She began hitting his shoulders with her hands capturing the attention of everyone else in the restaurant.