Enemy of enemy

The Next Day

"CEO Du, we are in a great crisis," His Secretary said as she barged in the office without knocking.

"That I can guess since you barged into my office without knocking." He lifted his head from the papers he was looking over and see her scowl. Since when did this kitten start entering the office without cowering? 

"Pardon me, sir," she said as she gulped in fear. She was afraid of his smiling face. No matter how handsome or charming he looked, she was quite aware of his real self. He was a devil in human skin. 

"What happened?" Du Zheng asked with a smile and leaned against the chair.

"All the major projects that we signed this year are getting canceled one by one. The hydropower project in the south was stopped by the government officials this morning as the government unexpectedly decided to heed to the demands of the protesters." She reported.