Another world

The buzzing of something unknown accompanied by the blinding light jerked Zhenyi out of never-ending darkness. Earlier, it seemed like she had been walking and walking and walking in the darkness, looking for the source of light but no matter how much she was trying to look for it, she just couldn't discover it. 

It was so frustrating, so tiring and so depressing that Zhenyi couldn't help but accept defeat. Then again, she was Zhenyi and defeat was not something she would ever accept. 

The jolt made Zhenyi realized that she had been in a deep slumber and no idea for how long, and the dark route where she was walking and which didn't come to end earlier was like a dream to her now. Wait, she had indeed been watching a dream. Oh, so she was caught in a dream or maybe a nightmare. 

She looked around and found herself in a very odd yet familiar room. She had seen this place somewhere before but couldn't remember where exactly? 'Nevermind, time to get out of here. '