Romantic surprise

"Where are you taking me?" Zhenyi asked him for a million times and like every time he ignored her question as if he hadn't heard her in the first place.

He had asked her to follow him as he had planned a surprise for her. A romantic surprise she assumed in her head. But her heart was trying to knock down the walls of her chest and striving to come out to see it for itself. That's how she was feeling right now. 

However, the stubborn man who happened to be her husband was not telling her at all. 

"Tell me, Jie or I am not following you at all," Zhenyi threatened, but she was still walking behind him and her hand clutched in his. 

Long Jie turned around to look at her, even in dim lights, he could clearly see the curiosity in her eyes. 

His curious cat. 

"Curiosity got the cat killed, Love," Long Jie said with an amused smile.