A secret discussion with Tang Yuzhang?

Once the talk with Xin Yichen and Tang Yuzhang was over, Zhenyi came out of her father's study and went to stroll in the garden to cool her heated brain, because if she didn't, her brain might short-circuit with the number of thoughts running inside it. 

Tang Yuzhang emerged behind her, an ambition clear in his eyes. Zhenyi veered around to find him standing behind her, looking intently at her face. She didn't stop him and let him read her all he wanted. It was obvious to everyone that he reached her with a clear motive. 

"You remember everything." There was a conviction in his voice and so, Zhenyi neither denied nor accepted and just gave him a meaningful eye look.

"Then, we need to talk," said Tang Yuzhang coldly, his arms crossed behind his back. 

Zhenyi nodded. They indeed needed to have a talk. And so, they talked for more than three hours.