Treasure of Lord Tang

"I will get Wei and Yuan to assist you in this matter. Ah-Siyan, don't leave brother alone even for a second, and I and the rest of the team will handle all of the other things," said Long Jie solemnly. "  Phantom's will get a quick and brutal reply. They touched our leader, and the consequences for touching the untouchables should be tattooed on their minds." 

The attack on Lord Tang was also the attack on the prestige and image of the White Knights. If they could dare to assassinate Lord Tang, what could they dare not to do?

"Don't…" Feng Siyan looked at him with an unpredictable and indescribable emotion. "I can handle the rest….but there is something only you can do. Especially now…"

Feng Siyan understood that what he was going to ask Long Jie was selfishness on his part, but what could he do?

Long Jie looked at him anxiously. He knew something was surely not right, particularly the way Feng Siyan was gazing at him.