Viper on the ship

The tall lady had platinum blonde hair, and the tips of her hair were dripping with red dye. It was weird but Ming Xiuying didn't say anything. 

Well, it was not her place to tell the woman that she was the weirdest creature! 

And as to what she was wearing... if there was an Asian Billie Eilish, that would be this girl. However, the tall woman was half Asian and a half she didn't know. 

The lay moved and the dripping red dye fell on Xiuying's pink clothes, completely dirtying them. 

"Oh, it seems I dirtied your clothes." The girl said in accented English. 

Xiuying who had watched numerous English movies could recognize that it was neither British nor American. 

"It's okay." Xiuying was exasperated as it was the last clean dress she had right now, but she didn't want to make a scene as someone else had done.