Zhenyi's kind heart

Zhao Meilin nodded at her. "Thanks for your blessing, Zhenyi. It means a lot to me. Can I open it?" 

She was curious and excited to see what Zhenyi had gifted her. Everyone knew Zhenyi's temperament quite well, so it was kind of a big deal as she brought something for her. 

Zhenyi shook her head. " Open it separately with your husband. Keep it at a sacred place and don't let any non-pregnant woman look at it at any cost." 

"You don't have to give it to me if it holds so much meaning to you, you know right?" Zhao Meili said. She felt a little conflicted holding the gift box. 

Zhenyi smiled. "I have one of the same kind. It belonged to my mother. My grandmother specifically prepared one for her when I was born. That one means the world to me as it belongs to my mom. Moreover, it's not deemed fortunate to keep two pieces of it. So, I passed one to you."