A mysterious yet familiar woman

Zhenyi could feel her heart loudly beating against her heart as she stepped inside the bedroom. 

'The balcony way is no longer safe. I need to find or make secret ways if I wish to reside here permanently.' Zhenyi was thinking in her head.'I pray that no one finds anything wrong with the video footage.' 

She tossed the dead Bluetooth on the table and called one of her men with another phone. 

"Erase all the evidence which shows that I have been out of my room. Keep an eye on Wei, he is my husband's eyes and ears right now. If Wei notices anything suspicious, report me." 

After saying this she threw away the phone too. 

If Long Jie ended up knowing that she had been to Long Ah-Shaan's villa, she would just simply come clean. He wouldn't be so cruel as to kill his wife, would he?