The day of engagement


Xin Yichen showed up in the main family house of the Ming family along with Zhenyi and Tang Yuzhang. The whole Ming family was gathered there today for the engagement ceremony of Ryuu and Xiuying. 

Ming Jia also came with her husband as she was still a member of the Ming family even though she was once disowned. 

Why wouldn't she be here? She had something important to do with her goddaughter! Plus, she invited herself and Xin Yichen and Zhenyi were more than happy with it. 

Thankfully, Xin Yichen managed to convince Ming Ze to arrange Ming Xiuying as Ryuu's bride. 

  Although it was Ryuu's engagement, he was not present there which was quite unsettling for the Ming family. Yet, they didn't show on their faces how upset they were with it. They couldn't afford to upset the Tang family in return.