
Somewhere in China. 

  In the middle of tall trees and snow-clad mountains, a centuries-old temple was built by the saint who was said to be blessed by heaven. 

Inside the said temple, a priest who was supposed to be in slumber for the next few years, opened his eyes today. 

To say that other priests were shocked when the high priest awakened would be an understatement.

[He was not sleeping literally. He was in DHYĀNA.]

The Tang family, which had been supporting the temple for as long as it was established, had done everything possible to awaken the high priest but nothing worked. 

The high priest was not asleep in literal meaning. It was said that fifteen years ago something tragic happened and he had been meditating ever since. 

So, what changed today that the high priest left his mediation? 

Was it the end of the Tang family? 

Or some other calamity was waiting for them?