Pain and pleasure

Zhenyi scoffed. "Protect your life, Du Zheng. Because, I , Xin Zhenyi, am looking for a single reason to kill you. Just a single reason." She pierced the dagger into his throat a little deeper still not enough to give him any serious injuries but it would surely leave a scar. A scar was enough to remind him not to mess with her again. She continued," I don't have limits but I do have morals to follow. Why can I say! Even people belonging to the mafia come with ethics which a scumbag like you won't understand." 

"Don't forget your limits, Xin Zhenyi." Du Zheng was furious. No one dared to call him a scumbag. Also, no one dared to hurt him with a dagger. 

"I told you before, I'm not taught any limits!" 

"Haha...Do you think just because you are backed by Long Jie you are invincible?" 

Zhenyi didn't reply to his question. She pushed him and then stood up to leave.