Loss and pain

Inside Dèjà Vu. 

Intentionally or unintentionally, Zhenyi didn't know but Alcina brought Zhenyi to Dèjà Vu. 

Zhenyi looked at the woman dressed in a black dress, pouring a drink for her. She studied her for a moment, and learning that she didn't have any ill intentions towards her, she followed her to the club.

"You shouldn't ask a random woman to accompany you to drinks," Zhenyi said softly. Alcina handed her the glass, and naturally, she took it. "It's not a safe habit." 

Alcina laughed, but it didn't reach her beautiful green eyes. "I haven't had any habit that's considered safe, and you are not a stranger. I know your name and you know mine. We have something in common -- broken hearts. Tell me how we are strangers?" 

"You make good arguments, Alcina," Zhenyi told her, a smile appearing on her cherry lips. 

 Alcina smiled in return. "I do. He rubbed it on me."