What is Aria upto?

"Does he know her?" Zhenyi asked him with wide eyes. Okay. She could handle Sam's romance but Ryuu's? 

"What do you think?" Sam raised a brow. 

"That snake…" Zhenyi tried to say. 

"Her doing," Sam said with a defeated sigh. "Not only this, she was the one behind Ming Xiuying and Huo Yusheng's failed engagement. The boy was lusting after her cousin and so, Xixi might have added something in their drinks…" 

"Goodness, does this girl know that instead of eliminating Xiuying, she invited him into Ryuu's life?" Zhenyi felt like the girl was crazy. Well, what she did was indeed crazy. 

"Oh, I asked him the same question, and do you know how she replied to me? She said,' 'I'm giving him the reason to leave because I want him to give me a reason to stay ' or something like this. And I have nothing to say back to her. Ryuu married Xiuying and she went to God knows where!"