The old lady was livid. How dare she call her dead parents selfish? "You have no right to call your parents selfish. Do you even know how many things have they sacrificed for you? Is this how you are going to repay them?" 

Indirectly, the old lady was calling her ungrateful. 

Alcina chuckled bitterly. Did she ask them to make great sacrifices for her? No, she never did. Would she have blamed them if they hadn't? Absolutely no. Was she an unfilial daughter? She didn't know. All she knew was that she needed to create a world where she could keep her own daughter safe. Away from all the dangers and shadows of her past. Well, it was exactly not her past which was harmful to her daughter. 

Why did she and her child have to pay for something they never did? Was it the price she had to pay just to be her 'parents' daughter?