Grand Wedding

It was Alcina and Ryuu's wedding day. The grand Tang mansion was brimming with happiness once again with the bomb-blasting news of the grand marriage of the only heir of the Tang family. 

No one knew who the bride was but they were least interested in the background of the bride. They were just happy with the information that they had gotten an invitation to Lord Ryu's wedding. 

Tang Family's allies were naturally invited along with the friends and relatives of Xin Yichen. However, there were a few more hidden clans like Zhangs, Juns, and Rens. Today, it was heard that the patriarch of the Jun clan would be attending the wedding with his grandson, or the next heir of the Jun family. Ren family had sent their representative as they were invited on very short notice and couldn't come. As for Zhangs… they had hidden animosity with Tangs for as long as anyone could remember.