Half sister?



Zhenyi ran after Long Jie, calling out for him loudly. But he didn't stop walking. His steps were neither swift nor slow. He was walking in a manner as if he didn't hear his wife's voice calling for him. 

Since Zhenyi was running after him in heels, she was bound to fall down. However, as she stepped on the final stairs to descend to reach her husband, her feet slipped and she lost her footing. 

"Jie," a loud shriek escaped her mouth coupled with the sound of a thud. 

Hearing the thud, Long Jie turned his head back to see Zhenyi dropping from the stairs. He ran towards her but before he could reach her, her head had hit the metal railing and blood had started rushing from her forehead. 

No. No. This was not happening. She was not getting hurt again. He couldn't go back to the time when she was silently lying on the bed.