
"I think you should accompany your boyfriend," Zhenyi said to her. "I am not a kid who can't go to her appointment alone." Before Fan Bingbing could say anything, she held up her hands saying, "I'm leaving. Don't make me the reason for his tears. Who knows if he chose to write about his cruel boss in his songs. I don't want to be cursed by his petty fans." 

In a blink of an eye, Zhenyi was gone from their sight. 

"She can be softie sometimes," Fan Bingbing said when she noticed her boyfriend's weird gaze. "But don't make a habit of hearing yes from her every time." 

"She cares a lot about you," Zhang Han replied. 

"Oh please, she just wanted to get rid of my annoying self," Fan Bingbing scoffed. If he was thinking that Zhenyi was a good human, then he would be very disappointed. Yet, she couldn't refuse that she was a good friend to the ones she considered her friends.