Consequences be Damned

Just as Zhenyi had reminded Fan Bingbing, it indeed was time for doctors to get her dressing changed. Although Xin Yichen couldn't get his precious daughter out of jail, especially after the heavy charges were imposed on her, still it didn't stop him from making sure that his daughter didn't want for anything. It could be said that Zhenyi was provided for everything inside her cell. 

She was taken to the infirmary that was located inside the police department. When she was taken there, two women police officers followed her. To be honest, she hated when these officers in uniform tried to touch her. As she had once made clear, she still was quite vocal about her allergy to police. And this visit to jail was not making it any better. 

As she entered the infirmary room, she noticed that the two female officers didn't follow her inside rather stopped outside and just as she took a step inside, the door behind her was closed with a thud.