She could be Alive!

Inside the office of the Commissioner of Police, a middle-aged man was sitting on the chair. Apart from him, there were two men present there, one was quietly occupying the chair in front of him, and another was standing to receive the order. 

"Please call officer Zheng right now!" The commissioner was beyond angry this time. He could not believe that things like this could happen with their department. He was ashamed to even show his face to the seniors. 

"Is everything alright sir?" The man who was standing asked in concern. He had a bad habit of sucking up to his seniors. And he was doing the same this time too but too bad, the commissioner was not in a condition to hear him

"Are my words not clear?!" Tan Qin, the police commissioner asked, his nose flaring up in anger. He wouldn't tolerate one more disobedient officer no matter how capable they were.