
Ryuu was standing on the balcony when he saw a teenager smoking. He was wearing the patient's clothes. His tall and lanky body was leaning against the wall, a half-burnt cigarette in his hands. 

This side of the hospital was reserved for VIPs and he wondered who this boy was. 

His first thought was that the boy was a son of a rich household but his posture didn't look like that of a prodigal young master. He appeared as if he belonged to their world. 

Ryuu didn't know what possessed him but he gripped the teenager from his neck and uttered, "If you are in pain, then ask the doctor to give you steroids." 

The teenager, also known by the identity of Young master Jun, turned to look at a tall and dignified man grabbing him by his neck and talking to him. One minute Ryuu was holding him and the other, the teenager had dominated him. 

Ryuu's back hit the back and was grabbed by his neck.