Impregnated a woman

Time was moving fast for Zhenyi and Long Jie. Nine weeks passed in a blink of an eye and both were still living at the penthouse. The police investigation was still ongoing and they were not able to collect any substantial evidence that would prove her innocence. 

Her wedding anniversary was spent in the same penthouse but she was happy that she was her husband the whole day. They got congratulatory calls from everyone. 

Long Jie had decorated the whole house for their date night and she could say that she had a very pleasurable day and night. 

She had a court hearing in two weeks and yet she was lying on the couch, chilling. Long Jie was at the office. He had an important meeting and so he had to reluctantly leave her sight. 

When Long Jie was worried about how his wife might have to go back to jail if they failed to put out any evidence in Zhenyi's favour, his wife was enjoying her pregnancy. 

You see, it's not every day she gets pregnant!