Arriving near your home, the car that you were currently in would pull up next to an alleyway. You exit the car along with Sasuke somehow. It seemed like he was going to accompany you which you disliked, you didn't want him to know where you live at the moment.
"Thanks for the ride I guess." You said. You knew that it wasn't necessary for him to drive you all the way to your destination. You wondered why he cares about you, he's a celebrity for crying out loud.
"No problem" Duckbutt signals his driver to wait for him for the time being then turns back to you. "Come on, I'll walk with you"
"Why do you want to walk me to work?" You stopped in your tracks looking at him waiting for an answer coming from him. You didn't know if he was serious or not.
He kept walking to god knows where, he knew that you'd eventually start to follow and show him the way. "Am I not allowed to accompany you?" he said with a slight smirk.
You roll your eyes. He wasn't forbidden to take you to your destination but just by the sight of him, it makes you not want him near you.
You look up at the sky seeing that the sun was setting. The blue yellowish orange colored sky was just beautiful, you felt relaxed just by glancing at it but then again that was sign of the day coming to an end. "I guess" You reply to him as you decided to catch up with him, you still have to get to work after all. There was no time for you and him to argue.
Once you spot your work place not far from where you are, you stop walking making him halt as well. His gaze shifts towards you as he was about to say something. You cut him off with "No need to follow me now, we've arrived. You can go back to that driver of yours" You say still not having any eye contact with him.
"Hn, I don't really feel like heading home right now." He still had that emotionless look, you didn't seem to know what emotions he had at the moment. "Why not?"
The raven head rubbed the back of his head, he seemed to be bother by something but by what? You thought "It's not important" You sigh as you start to walk away but this time towards your father's restaurant. It was a fast food restaurant or in other words quick service restaurant.
"Here we are" 'Here I am showing him where I live and work. So much for the discretion. Ugh, I should of had really took that bus ' You thought.
"You work in a fast food?" He looked over at it seeing the title of the restaurant BBQ & GRILL. He didn't seem to fazed about it
"Well yeah, what's up with it?" it's kinda weird for you being here with him. He's famous and doesn't seem to be the type of person to actually go to places like this. It's not what you think of him but it's mostly what others think.
"Nothing, I'm not surprised. I sometimes go and eat at these type of restaurants with Naruto but I've never been or seen this one yet" He explained. You looked at him not as surprised as you thought you'd be.
"Don't expect me to be one of those obnoxious rich people that go into famous fancy restaurants" He growled by the thought of it. He hated how people thought of him like that. You, for once pats him on the shoulder just to comfort him, you would have never done it if you didn't care but you were actually the type of person to care about others no matter what they say or do to you.
"To be honest, I never saw you that way. I just thought you were an asshole so full of yourself but never as an obnoxious rich person." The raven head turned away with a "Tsk" He acknowledged every single word that came out of your mouth but didn't bother respond. Sasuke simply just walked on ahead of you going towards the restaurant with a small smirk on his face. "Hmph." You follow him inside silently.
You enter inside BBQ & GRILL with Sasuke next to you. Mostly every customer would look your way seeing you and Sasuke, all you could hear was gossiping, squirming and squealing. You never knew what was so important in him. To be real, he is just as normal as any human being here even if he's considered famous. You growl at the people staring at you and him then would leave him behind heading forward spotting your father on the way.
"Dad, I'm here!" You call out to him as he was at the tables over to the right of the restaurant taking orders to the new comers just arriving inside the restaurant. He would glance over to the source of sound seeing you, he finishes taking orders then heads over.
"(Y/n)-dear, get to work alright. We've got a lot of customers to deal with. Start by serving the food in the kitchen" He didn't even realize that (y/n) was accompanied since he was very busy. You couldn't blame him, he was working his butt the whole time with your co-workers while you were at school learning.
"I'm on it dad!" You do as you were told as you head to the kitchen putting your school belongings on the ground then would head to the changing rooms which was situated next to the kitchen.
You'd get there in a hurry changing into your working clothes, you had on a brownish redish more like a wine colored blouse and a black colored skirt that stopped above her knees. You personally hated wearing skirts because it was skin revealing and horrible but since it was for work, you accept it.
Sasuke, out in the open was at a table ignoring the people fangirling, gossiping about him even waitresses would check him out also trying to take his order. He refused them all only wanting one specific person to take his orders and that was you. Those who tried, he'd just look away not responding. He absolutely wanted you to do it.
You walk out the kitchen with trays in your hands sending them out to the designated table then a co-worker of yours would approach you with a message.
"(Y/n)-chan, there's a male customer absolutely wanting you to take his orders. He refused all of us" You sighed as you immediately knew who it was.
"Tell him that he'll have to wait if he really wants me to pass by, I'm not his personal server ya know" You leave with orders in hand then would go take it to the cooks in the kitchen.
Your co-worker would just watch you leave sighing a bit. She'd head back to Sasuke who was across the room. "Um, she told me that you should wait for her to pass by. She isn't just your personal server"
He chuckles by the words designated to him as a smirk would form. Now was the time where he could actually tease her "Alright, I'll wait then but tell her to be quick" He was starting to feel quite hungry after all.
"W-Will do" with that, the waitress left looking for you once again. She was now you and Sasuke's personal reporter well.. for the moment.
Minutes later, the waitress finds you telling you to be quick and all. You finally took the time to look for his table. You spot his duck butt looking hair from a far as you head to him. "What do you want?" You say in a dry tone
"Woah, where did your manners go? All servers must be nice to all customers including me" Duckbutt says with a large smirk on his face. He was amusing himself certainly being the annoying one for the day well only to you
You roll your eyes in annoyance trying to keep yourself from strangling him "Ugh, How can I take your order?" You fake a smile while rashly talking to him.
"Hm, better but the tone needs to be fixed" He picks up the menu list on his table then would surf through it taking his time to choose something.
"Hurry up, I've got other people to serve ya know" You cross you arms while also tapping your foot on the ground in a fast motion.
"I'll take even more of your time if you continue" He keeps surfing through when he finds what he wants then puts the menu list down. "I'll just have Teriyaki, get to it now"
You growl at him writing down what he wants then turns around going towards other customers but while she was doing that, he'd take her hand. You'd feel a blush creep up your cheeks but you manage to suppress it. You turn back to him. "What?"
He looked at you with an intense look in his eyes, you didn't want eye contact with him which is why you didn't look. "I forgot to tell you that I also wanted a pepsi, thanks"
"Ugh!" You yank you hand away then would storm off to the kitchen.
It's been already an hour that you've been working, you finally were able to go on a small break which is why you left behind the restaurant with a (favorite drink) in hand taking a sip of it. That's when Sasuke comes along unexpectedly finding you against the wall.
"What's up, you look like shit right now" Sasuke said to you not feeling sorry about it, he didn't even bother take back the words he said.
"Thanks for the compliment" You say sarcastically taking another sip of your soda. "I'm just on my break"
"Hn. Why do you work so late?" He knew that he already asked a question related to it but he still wanted to know.
You take a glimpse at him with a tired look plastered on your face "Didn't we already go through this?"
"We did but it wasn't clear enough for me, what does your dad need help with exactly?" He seemed curious enough about it
"It's not important." you say to him finishing your soda. You get up heading to one of the dumpsters since you were behind the restaurant for a small break. "Come on, you can tell me" his eyes were following you as you were doing so.
You turn back going to the spot you were earlier "Why should I tell you? I don't even know you all that well" 'why is he curious all of sudden? ' You ask yourself that question. He rolls his eyes at you. "Pfft, It's not like I'm a stranger to you or anything"
You ignore what he said as you change the subject. He didn't need to know anything else concerning you. "Go home, it's late." with those words, you start to walk back inside the restaurant but after you knew it, his hand would grip onto yours tightly. "Wait.." A blush would slowly appear onto your cheeks. Luckily you weren't facing him. You clear your throat then would reply. "What?"
"What if I told you that I could help you out with whatever you need help with?" He insisted, his voice was serious this time not like earlier.
"N-No don't. Just stay out of me and my father's business, we'll handle it alone" You stuttered pulling your hand away slightly rubbing it, you didn't feel comfortable with his hand on yours. He frowned seeing your hand slip away from his, he placed it back into his pocket where they always were. "Why can't I help you?"
You walked to advance once again but his question stopped you in your tracks, you sigh silently. 'Stubborn much...'
"You're not part of our business."
"If you did somehow, we'd have a debt towards you and your family"
He looks away rubbing his temple staying silent for at least a couple of seconds "You won't have to pay anything if I did it myself"
You hiss at him for his stubbornness, you hated that. "Why the hell are you even offering to help me out?! Do you pity me or something..!" You crossed you arms while giving him one of those cold looks
He looks at you being silent not really knowing how to respond, it's like you made him speechless, a loss for words. You loosen up a bit from being tensed "Just go home."
"No, It's not worth going home. It's a waste of time for me" He looks up at the night sky, it was dark out. The only think you could see was the bright shining moon. "Well, you're obviously wasting more time here than anything else. You should just go home" He sighs. "Hn, fine. I'll see you tomorrow then"
Sometime later, the restaurant closes as everyone customer was gone. While closing it down for the day, you'd see money on the table with a small letter next to it. You walk over to the table taking the letter then would read it.
«The money for the food I ordered.
You put your gaze on the money counting it as he gave way to much money than he had to give. You looked around the restaurant a bit then turned back to the money. 'Why did he give extra money? Hm..I'll have to give it back tomorrow '
You and your father finally head home after a tiring day at work. You were both exhausted, so you both plopped down on the couch.
"You did well today (Y/n). I'm proud of you like always" He pats your head slightly ruffling it. You grin at him even if you didn't appreciate the hair ruffle but you were too exhausted to move a muscle. "Thanks dad, I appreciate it. I'll still do my best at work"
"Don't push yourself alright" he says with a grin. "I won't, don't worry" You take your father into an open hug as he hugs you back. That bond you have with you dad is something very strong.
"Good. Oh also, tomorrow your cousin Ino is going to be sleeping here for a couple of days starting tomorrow"
"W-What! Why!?" You look at him shocked and confused that totally made you have adrenaline for a second, your muscles were stiff but you didn't mind it.
"Her parents are going on a business trip. I'm not sure where but they'll be gone for at least 5 days or more."
You clutch your hands tightly forming into fists. You absolutely didn't want to be around Ino out of all people, all she'll ever do is make your life a living hell just like at school. "I know your relationship with Ino is critical but bare with it for a couple of days"
"I'll try but no promises. As long as we're not sharing room, it's fine with me." You say getting up from the couch
"Don't worry, she has a room for herself. Now, go ahead and rest." He also got up from the couch but instead of standing in place, he started to walk over to the hallway.
"Roger that!" You head to your room, grasping onto the door knob. You turn it to the right then would push the door forward entering your room. You did the necessary such as taking a shower and slipping on your pj's. Once done with that, you instantly plop onto your bed yawning. You rub your eyes then all of a sudden you feel vibration. It came from your pocket, you shove your hand down your pocket taking out your phone. By looking at it, you notice that you have received a message. You see that it was Sasuke who messaged you, the message says:
«Good night»
You look at the message, you couldn't help but let out a small smile just by seeing it then thought to yourself 'Maybe I should download that application, it's not like it's going to kill me ' You go on the (app store/play store) then would look at the application Love Alarm 'Let's see how it goes tomorrow ' You install the application then would place your phone down on the night stand putting it on charge. Your sight becomes blurry after a while once you close your eyes falling into a comfortable sleep