| Part 10 |

"Today is a special day where dancers in this school will do a small performance, put your hands up for our performers" Said Tsunade with a cheerful expression on her face.

The audience start clapping and cheering as 4 girls would step on the stage getting ready to perform. The DJ hits the music once getting the signal from one of the girls out of the five. The music starts playing as they all start to dance.

While they started dancing, Ino would take a glance at you with a mischievous smirk forming on her lips. She knew exactly how to embarrass you right infront of everyone.

'Time to kill her mood ' Thought Ino waiting for the right moment to strike. You on the other hand was the first one to start singing just like she was scheduled to. While that was happening, once the music dropped that's when Ino finally decided to interfere. Since she was right next to you, she purposely slipped her foot right behind yours as you were stepping backwards.

Your foot gets caught up in hers as you fall back landing onto your butt along with destabilizing the other 2 girls except Ino. All you could hear were "Ahh!"'s as you and the girls fell. Ino purposely started to act as if she was worried helping up every girl except you out of all people. The audience started to gasp by your sudden 'accident '. Tsunade was immediately alerted as she blurted out "Uh, Technical difficulties!!" The curtains instantly started to close up by her command.

Right in the crowd of people, Naruto saw the reason why you fell in the first place. "Why would she do such a thing!?" He hated how Ino could casually mess up such a good performance with such a bitch move.

Hinata glanced over at him feeling exactly same, she also saw what happened and she didn't like it one bit. "I-I knew that something l-like this would happen.." She sighs in frustration by what just happened

Sasuke on the other hand was just as amazed than speechless. He thought that dancing wasn't a big deal but after seeing her up on stage to the point of singing, his point of view on her completely changed.

'Who knew that she could sing '


Behind the curtains situated on the stage, the 4 girls were arguing with each other.

"What happened out there?!" Tsunade asked confused and shocked, everything was going well until an accident occurred

"Ino tripped me. That's what happened. I know that it's her since she was beside me!" You crossed your arms turning away your gaze with an annoyed glare on your face. Ino knew very well what she did but she didn't at all have the intention on admitting it. "Ugh, how could you blame me for such a thing. You should have watched where you were stepping!"

One of the girls that got caught in the accident started blurting out her opinion on all of it "Now the performance is ruined all because of Ino and (Y/n)!"

"Yeah!" The other girl included in the accident added in

Tsunade sighs fed up with all the arguing, she decided to put an end to it "It's okay! Luckily we have a back-up plan. Also, you guys did great. (Y/n) your singing was beautiful, keep up the good work" She complimented. You looked at her as a small glint of happiness appeared on your face by her compliment towards you "T-Thank you!" Ino let out a 'Tsk' then looked away disappointed.

You, Ino and the other 2 girls take your leave going towards the changing room to go and get changed. Once over with that, Ino walks over to you with a smirk on her face. The little incident wasn't the only thing that she had in mind. You ignored her wellbeing as you were gathering your belongings.

Ino giggles evilly all of sudden with triggers you but you didn't turn around "I saw you at the cafeteria, it's really strange. You still think that your dad payed for your lunch, it's pretty pathetic" She let out another giggle, the same one as earlier.

You wanted to ignore her words but it triggered you more than anything "What do you mean? Of course it was my dad, who else would it be?" Ino finally reveals the reason behind it which shocks you out of everything else.

"Oh, I kinda told Sasuke-kun about your money problems and almost about your 'childhood '" You get triggered by the word 'childhood'. Shadows would form under your eyes as anger starts to well up in you

"Y-You mean that h-he was the one to have payed for my lunch.." You remember at the cafeteria and the words that he said to you 'You should eat up'. You take out your phone going to the message you sent to your father seeing that he replied

«What do you mean dear?»

By reading the unread message you grip onto your phone tightly. Ino, seeing how devastated you look, she adds in another comment just for the fun. "Yup and it was worth it"

You burst into flames shouting at Ino with all your might, you've had enough of your cousin for today "Why would you do such a thing! Just stay out of my life and don't talk about my past!" With that, you take your stuff and run out the room furiously.

You start to run down the auditorium not stopping going passed Hinata, Naruto and Sasuke. Sasuke was the first to see you run away. "Where is she going?" He asked himself. Hinata got up from her seat, she saw that something was wrong. Sasuke stopped her blocking her with his arm. "Stay with Naruto, I'll go after her"

With that said, he got out of his seat going towards the exit. Naruto sighs feeling confused on what's happening at the moment "I wonder what happened?"

"W-Who knows" Hinata added


Sasuke sees her next to a tree then goes over to her. He didn't really hesitate to sit down next to her, You ignore him not even having eye contact. "What's wrong?" He asked. You look away hugging your knees staying silent. He sighs "Was it because of the performance?"

You grit your teeth with frustration and anger. You forcefully blatter out words furiously. "Do you pity me that much to even buy me a damn lunch card!?"

He looks at her with a panicky and confused look "W-Wha–? No, why would I?" He looked concerned at her. You furiously get up from your spot shouting at him "Then why would you buy it for me!?" She crosses her arms "I don't need your money nor do I need your help–!"

He also gets up in attempt to reason her "Hey, calm down! I see Ino told you about it." He sighs "I don't pity you at all, I just wanted to help you out even if you told me not to"

Sasuke seemed to have developed something for you, it was the reason behind the lunch card in the first place. He didn't know that you'd react in that way "Well I'll say it for the last time, I don't need your hel–"

He looks at you with a burning passion, seeing you react in that way makes him like you even more all of a sudden. Usually girls wouldn't react in this way towards him but you were different. He pins you against the tree behind you as his lips met yours.

You look at him surprised with a slight blush on your cheeks, you wondered why he kissed you, he knew very well that you had a boyfriend so why did he do it? Your blushing and surprised facial expression turned into a glare as you pushed him back also slapping him across the face. With that done, you run away.

Sasuke just stood there shocked rubbing his red cheek, he didn't realize what he did until now. Why did he kiss her and felt satisfied of it? He looked over to her running figure feeling bad about himself. He had shadows forming around his eyes also clenching his fists with disappointment 'D-Damn it..What the hell is wrong with me..!? '

Once You were no where in his sight, he went back inside to Naruto and Hinata with so much hate for himself for what he did. Ino, the person that was watching the whole scene took a picture of what happened "This is revenge for all you've done (Y/n)"


"S-Sasuke, what happened..?" Hinata asked really desperately, she really wanted to know. He looked away with guilt covering his red cheek. Naruto immediately understood that something was wrong with him "Why are you covering your cheek? Did she slap you?" Naruto asked intriguing and concerned. He sighs "I messed up..I don't even know what happened."

"What did you do Sasuke!?" Naruto asked again but this time bring up the volume of his voice. He grits his teeth finally letting out the answer "I kissed her okay!?" Sasuke glares at him for shouting.

Hinata gasps covering her mouth "W-Why would you d-do that? D-Do you realize that s-she's in a relationship?!" She shouts revealing her furious side for the first time in a while.

"Hinata, you should go and comfort her" Said Naruto dismissing her. He'd take care of Sasuke's case. "R-Right!" Hinata gets up from her seat then leaves the auditorium leaving behind the rest of the other performances

Hinata finds her in one of her favorite places in the school besides the tree next to the track field which is the bathroom. She walks in the bathroom hearing sobs. Hinata goes towards the source of sound as it leads to the first bathroom stall. "(Y-Y/n)-chan..I heard what h-happened, it's going to b-be okay" She places her hand on the stall door. You immediately opened the door pulling her into a hug "I-I don't want to talk about him..! H-How am I going to tell Yahiko-kun?"

She hugs her back tightly "I don't k-know but we'll t-think of something on the w-way." She caresses your back in a smoothing matter "D-Don't think about it for now just h-hug as long as you need" You bury your face onto her shoulder tightening her grip around her waist. You really needed the comfort as much as possible. "T-Thank you Hina-chan.." You said as your words were muffled due to having your face being buried onto her shoulder. "You're welcome (Y/n)-chan" Hinata smiles as you do too