Transfer student

"Hey, if you don't mind, is it possible if we share textbooks? I will buy mine after school" En He tap on Wei An arm and whispered.

"O...h... okay. Yup its fine" Wei An was shocked and she started stammering and slowly place the textbook in the middle of their joined tables.

*Ring* - lunch time

Se Qi turn and knock on En He table.

"Hey handsome, wanna join us for lunch? At the same time I'll show you around too!" Se Qi happily spoke to En He as she socialize with people easily.

"Sure why not?" En He smiled and look at me.

Wei An just smiled and they went to the canteen.

After meal, Se Qi with her talkative mouth, introduce every area in the school!

"Wow if we are not in the same class, i would have thought that you are my senior. You knew so much about this school!" En He was shocked to hear all the stories and places in the school.

Wei An just quietly follow them as Se Qi clings on Wei An's arm.

Lunch time over and now its music lesson! Wei An loves music lesson as that is the only place where she can express her feelings out! By either singing or playing instruments!

"Okay class, 15 of next month you guys will have a music test. This is like an audition too as well. As you all know in 3 months time, there will be a school festival. So I'll be selecting 2 students to duet and 5 students to dance while the rest will be a group of choirs!" The music teacher announced.

"Oh, and all this will be graded. So no one can back out from this!" The music teacher added on.

"Wei An i'm sure you are going to do well! You dance so well and everyone knows that!" Se Qi excited whispered to Wei An.

After school,

Se Qi asked En He.

"En He, which category will you audition for?"

"Hmm singing maybe but I'm not good at it" claims En He.

"Atleast you have the looks! You'll be fine! And oh Wei An I remember you sing quite well too why not you try singing! I'll be signing up for singing!" Se Qi is so excitee about the festival.

"Hmm should i? If i get through and En He gets through, we can duet on stage..." Wei An wonders and quickly snaps out of it.

"What am i thinking! I'm doing it for my grades!" Wei An shakes her head.

"You okay Wei An?" En He asked in a worrying tone.

"Oh...oh yes yes I'm fine. I'm just wondering what song to choose hehe" Wei An shyly claims.

Everyone went seperate ways home and Wei An had this in her mind;

"What am i thinking? Is it i like En He?"

Minutes later, she suddenly felt like someone was following her from the back....