
While looking at herself in the mirror, she is saddened by her imperfections.

Wei An had eczema at the back of her legs since elementary school. She can't sit for too long and if the back of her legs starts to sweat, she will feel extremely itchy.

Years have past and she still have not been able to control the flaring of eczema. The flare up is even worst few days before her period comes.

"Hmm what am i thinking. No guys will even want me once they see all these." Wei An mumbles to herself.

She can't do any sports that will make her sweat nor she can't wear certain fabrics nor eat seafood, beef and so one that will affect her flaring.

When she's stress, it flares up too. All along in school she has been able to control and manage it and lead a normal student life due to she relies on medication.

Due to this, no many (or actually no one) actually knows that she is short tempered and gets stress easily.

In school, she just lead a happy girl who does well in school. But at home, if things doesn't goes her way, she gets stress and she will tend to throw things around the house and eventually her eczema will starts to flare up.

She didn't show all these attitude outside from home because she doesn't want to loose any friends. She is afraid of being alone. She told herself even if she has to fake herself to being happy, she will, if that's the only way for her to not be lonely.