New Journey

6 months after graduation, Wei An is starting her new life, meeting new people in a new environment.

Wei An told herself that she won't do things that she will regret anymore and will just strive on to every opportunities give.

3 years is all she have here in college. Not to regret and graduate happily.

Wei An enrolls in a school that has kpop dance as an extra curriculum, ,to pursue the tiny dream she has,


As she enters the huge compound college, she was shock to see tons of people. Even more than her high school days.

As usual she just quietly enrolls school and do things all by herself.

'Welcome to ST College!" The head master of the college greets the fresh year students and starts the orientation day.

It was only the first day and Wei An feels envy that alot of them have students that they knew.

Due to that she feels alone but she told herself that she can do it!


As Wei An walks around, she found the korean cultural group promoting to join them.

Wei An walks towards their booth and took their flyers. One of the representative asked her if she is interested to join the dance team which she immediately reply yes.

However, after knowing that she have to undergo audition, she backs out. She wasn't confident in herself knowing that she have not dance in her entire life.

"Do join our conference tomorrow at Blk 5! We will be doing orientation there" the representative told Wei An.

Wei An smiled and walks away.

Wei An keeps having these thoughts in her mind;

" Should i join? What if the criterias are strict? I have never move like how those idols moves before, but i don't want to regret."

She spend the whole day thinking about it and had no one to talk to about it.

Will Wei An join the dance team? Or will she back out and regret again?