Normal School Day

Putting the audition aside as it will be a week later, Wei An attend school as per normal.

*Math class*

"Sorry to disturb. But do you know how to do this question?" a girl beside Wei An taps her for help.

Wei An guides her step by step.

"Wow you're so smart. Anyways i'm Alice. I'm bad in maths hope we can be friends and maybe be my tutor too!" Alice introduce herself.

"Okay!" Wei An happily agrees as this is her first friend she met in class.

Alice is popular among the guys and she always hangs out with this group of guys.

During lunch time, Alice introduce Wei An to them. They joke and laugh together.

The group consist of 5 guys, Jason, Matthew, Joseph, Chris and Jerry.

They introduce one another and share with each other their speciality and which subject they are good at. Alice, Jason and Chris were from the same school thus they know each other pretty well.

6 of them have agreed to have a study group to help with each other on their studies.

Since they won't be having classes for the next 3 hours, they decided to head down to the play room in their school.

Jason chose to play Jenga and it comes with a condition. Whoever loses will have to drink a cup of water, since they can't drink alcohol in school.

It has been awhile since Wei An genuinely smile and laugh. They all laughed so hard and even asked one of the aunty who were cleaning that area to pick one block for them.

Wei An never had so much fun in her life before.

They played for 5 rounds and decided to take a rest. In this game, Matthew and Chris drank twice while Jerry drank once.

After taking a rest, they still have an hour plus till their next class.

Joseph decided to play thumb game.

Thumb game is game whereby 1 person will say out the number of thumbs and if that number of thumb is shown he/she wins.

"5" Joseph shouts.

Only Wei An and Chris raised their thumb and thus Joseph had to drink.

It's Wei An turn and she shouted 3!

Only Chris raise his thumb and thus Wei An drinks.

In this game, almost everyone had their chance of drinking. They had so much fun that it was time to head to class.

It is physic lecture class.

In every 10 minutes, the 6 of them took turns to visit the washroom.

The 6 of them laughed at each other as they knew why they had to visit the washroom non-stop.

After class, as it was time to go home, they talked about what happened throughout the day and even laughed at each other when they think back about the thumb game.

Wei An felt something that she had never felt before which is to have a group of friends and especially to be surrounded by guys!

Though everytime Alice is not around, Wei An will feel awkward with the guys, the will never fail to joke around to make Wei An feel less lonely.