Supportive friends are like gems

After the audition day, everyone went to school as per normal.

Thanks to Wei An's new friends, Wei An can seem more open and she seems to talk even more nowadays.

Days in school have been joyful and filled with laughter for Wei An.

Two weeks later...Result day

Two weeks seems too long that Wei An nearly forgots about the audition result.

While having lunch with her friends, she suddenly received an email from the club.


To: Jin Wei An

From: Korean Cultural Club - Dance

Subject: Audition Result

Congratulations Wei An! You have passed the audition and we looked for to seeing you every saturday at 12pm!



President of Korean Cultural Club


"Guys! I made it!!" Wei An screamed.

Her friends looked at her email and were proud of her.

"Wow our friend here is going to be the next big thing!" Jerry said.

"It's just a school dance club not some big companies" Wei An shyly reply.

They all laughed and continued their lunch.

"Hey let's go to the cafe that we went that day and have desserts there to celebrate Wei An passing audition!" Chris suggested and everyone agree.

This was the first time someone celebrated something for her mini achievement.

From there, Wei An was even more determined to be confident and do her best in dance.


On the way to class, Wei An bumps into Cindy.

Since they are waiting for their classes to open, they chat for few minutes.

Cindy told Wei An that she didn't pass the audition and Wei An felt bad as she passed.

Cindy told Wei An not to worry and not to feel bad about her as she knew she won't pass the audition.

Wei An felt better and they went to have their lesson.


After class, Wei An and her friends went to the nearby cafe called "Island Creamery". Basically this will be their new hangout place for the next 3 years till graduation, provided they didn't close down by then.

They had lots of fun joking around and taking pictures while congratulating Wei An passing audition.

At that point of time, Wei An felt so touched that there's someone who actually believes in her and endlessly supports her.

The guys keep on joking around that Wei An keep laughing till she cries ad everyone laughed.

It was nearly 7pm and everyone headed home.

Since Wei An and Alice stays nearby, they decided to go home together.

Wei An tends to sleep easily during bus ride and thus with Alice around, she does not need to worry about missing her stop.