Chapter 376

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Leylin walked forward slowly. He was cautiously guarded when he looked at Yemen, Dallas and others.

Leylin firmly grabbed at his chest and snatched a pendant from his collar, Leylin pinched it slightly and a silvery light engulfed his body.

Leylin has used Fallen Star Pendant that he previously created in Merchant Union, through the years after his abilities increased and because of lack of challenges Leylin didn't have to use it, but now against a Heaven Flame he had no qualm to refrain from using all the abilities in his arsenal.

Although Fallen Star Pendant is an exceptional item even possessing some soul defensive ability, but Leylin haven't had the time to upgrade its ability. According to his estimation the soul of the Sky Realm expert Elrod Crystal sealed inside Fallen Star Pendant is also not good enough to contend against an attack of Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame.

Even still something is better than nothing, Leylin approximates though his evaluation that the Fallen Star pendant can most probably only survive through one wave of attack from Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame, afterwards he would need to tide through himself.

Leylin knew that his chances are not very good so he decided to explain to others to see if they have any means. One cannot underestimate the ability of five Spirit realm experts.

Leylin explained, "According to my guess, it's most probably Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame. In legends, It cannot burn substances, but it can burn any creatures' souls."

"The Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame!"

The three leaders of the Demonic Sound Clan screamed out simultaneously with a traumatic change on their faces. They all moved backward to Leylin's direction.

"Not good …" Dallas's eyes sparked out a solemn light. A crystal suddenly flew out from his hand. As soon as it came out, it exploded and resulted in a faint blue color which then dispersed quickly, covering him and Yashila inside of it.

As Leylin saw Dallas taking out the blue crystal, he was a little astonished although he didn't know what it was he can sense it's amazing ability.

Victor was similarly surprised as he seemed to remember something and walked over to Dallas's place.

Without waiting for Victor to come closer, Dallas harrumphed and looked towards him with unpleased eyes.

Victor felt ashamed, changed his direction embarrassingly, and did not continue approaching that blue aureole.

Leylin looked at Yemen, his eyes seemingly asking for an explanation. Yemen is the person he has the most connection to so it's normal for him to ask him.

Yemen nodded and was about to explain but suddenly Yashila opened her mouth, "It's Blue Star Crystal!"

Leylin looked at her with a surprised expression, Yashila from inside the protection of Blue Stat Crystal smiled at him and continued, "It is an extraordinary soul protection treasure. The Blue Star Crystal is said to be the most mysterious crystal of the Blue Planet in the galaxy. It projects Blue Star Heaven Light, which could prevent the penetration of all kinds of souls' forces. Even if it is the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame, it cannot immediately break the Blue Star Heaven Light. If you can get inside of its protection, you are certainly able to sustain the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame for a while."

"I see... " Leylin nodded with a smile which Yashila reciprocated but deep inside Leylin was contemplating about Yashila.

Leylin has noticed that this female leader of Wings race and the top combatant of the Chasm Battlefield has been rather nice to him. Her attitude and demeanor was friendly, Leylin has inquired from Yemen that Yashila was one of his most supportive people and seems to trust and respect the legends of Immortal God King more than others. And Leylin's abilities have only increased her trust in him.

"I've actually prepared this crystal to deal with Demonic Sound Clan. I didn't expect that I would have to use it now." Dallas caressed the precious crystal, pouring more of his powerful forces into it to stimulate the miraculous halo inside it. He said with a regretful tone, "The Blue Star Crystal is the consuming object. Its power is limited. The longer it is used, the more power it consumes. I am not sure how long this Blue Star Crystal can last …"

"We can use this Blue Star Light to enter that place over there. Even the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame cannot instantly destroy our souls. As long as we can prevent it long enough to get the shuttle out, we will go back immediately. What do you think?" Yashila suggested but after talking she turned her head towards Leylin.

Dallas was surprised and immediately understood, similarly looking at Leylin.

Leylin looked at both of them and immediately understood, it seems his prowess and information has impressed the pagan leaders and they were indirectly asking for his opinion.

Leylin didn't refrain from using a great extent of his power and although he didn't use his full strength, his ability is already similar to a Sky Realm Warrior. Leylin was also able to destroy the shelter not to mention have knowledge about both Sky-breaking Shuttle as well as Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame.

"Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame is an extremely dangerous entity, although your Blue Star Crystal can help you resist for a moment it cannot defeat it, I on the other hand has a way to deal with it."

"What? Do you have the ability to detain it?"

"Yes! I have a way to detain it. "

Leylin looked extremely confident as he explained, "It's not as if it's my first time trying to tame a Heaven Flame, I have succeeded once, and I have the highest chance to do it again. To be honest I am your last best.…"

"What?" The six pagan leaders all screamed out at the same time. They looked at Leylin with disbelief.

Yashila covered her mouth; her beautiful eyes were extremely frightened. She said with suspicion, "Did you just say that you have Heaven Flame? Aren't you kidding?"

Dallas's breath was heavy; his eyes ignited up like a buffalo's eyes.

Leylin didn't explain rather demonstrated.

In a moment, the Icy Qi of the Ice Cold Flame spread out over Leylin's body. His body was quickly frozen, turning into a big transparent ice chunk, which was sparking out glorious and splendid lights.

Six pagan leaders goggled their eyes with their mouth wide opened.

Dallas reacted after a long while. He waved at Leylin and said, "You, you can come here …"

While saying, Dallas urged more forces to pour into the Blue Star Crystal. More misty blue lights projected from inside of the Blue Star Crystal. These blue lights seemed to be gradually controlled, condensed into a chunk of lights, forming a human body shape.


Leylin retrieved the icy power of his body, and quickly returned to normal. He got inside of the chunk of blue lights instantly.

As standing inside the blue lights, Leylin felt as if he was soaking in an ocean. It felt really comfortable.

"Let's go." Dallas waited for Leylin to get in before advancing forwards. He did not want to waste any more powers of the Blue Star Crystal.

The other four people, Victor, Yemen, Kassius, and Dominick could only stare at the other three getting into the mysterious darkness. Their eyes beamed out a greedy light. They were also interested in the thing called "Sky-breaking Shuttle". However, as they knew how dangerous the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame was, they could only watch it from a distance.

Until the three people of Dallas disappeared into the darkness, the four of them gathered and discussed with each other quietly.

The three of them, Dallas, Yashila, Leylin, kept walking further in the dark. The distance between them and the shuttle got shortened. Some lights ahead became visible. When three of them could see the shuttle clearly, a dazzling halo suddenly emitted in the dark. It was unknown where this halo had come from.

A huge block of stone appeared in front of their eyes.

The stone platform had an octagonal shape, looked like it was made from some kind of strange inky-black lava. The block was as huge as half of a basketball field. A sparkling white chunk of the crystal was as big as a washbasin lay in the center of the stone platform. Inside of this crystal chunk, there was a stirring silver burning flame.

Miraculous heaven light struck down to the acute angle of the octagon-shaped platform, which connected to the sky above the Sound Beast Mountain. The Heaven Light covered the stone and created forces that sealed the crystal chunk as well as the silver flame inside of it.

Dense Heaven and Earth yin aura from everywhere inside of the Sound Beast Mountain was like they just found a way out, they urgently stormed towards the stone platform, joining the burning fires inside of the crystal chunk, making the silver burning flame become livelier. More and more of the forces were gathering…

The shuttle which was as long as an arm was circling around the huge stone, as the three radiant silver strings wrapping it connected to the crystal chunk. Despite how much the shuttle was struggling, the three silver strings still got it tied tightly so that it couldn't be able to get out of the huge stone.

"That's good. Your souls would help us get out of this place." An ambiguous peculiar spirit suddenly came out from inside of the stone. The silver burning flames inside of the crystal chunk condensed into a blurry human face. After receiving more Heaven and Earth yin, that face was exposed clearer little by little.

Many flows of silver lights blindingly flashed out from the white crystal chunk in the center of the stone. Those silver lights pierced through the seal forces outside of the stone and darted towards Dallas, Yashila and Leylin like a shower of arrows.

Dallas and Yashila were extremely terrified.

Without thinking too much, the two leaders of the Wings Race instantly stretched out their black and white wings. Black and white waves rippled out from their wings one by one, fused with the faint blue lights of the Blue Star Crystal.

After all the silver lights hit the cover of blue light, numerous dazzling colorful beams of light instantly radiated all of a sudden. The colorful lights scattered everywhere.

"Blue Star Crystal!" Inside of the hexagon platform, the face in the crystal chunk appeared with fine eyebrows and sharp eyes; its pupils beamed out a devilish silver light. That face opened its mouth and uttered a frigid human voice, "Even the Blue Star Crystal cannot resist for long."

"Swoosh swoosh swoosh"

More and more of the silver lights radiated from the white crystal chunk striking on the blue aureole that was projected by the Blue Star Crystal.

The blue halo was twisting as its power was draining faster as they were being hit by the silver lights.

Although the Blue Star Crystal in Dallas's hand was still emitting dazzling aureole, its power was being quickly consumed. The Blue Star Crystal had shrunk one-fifth in such a short of time and continued shrinking rapidly.

Dallas's eyes expressed coldness and cruelty. While he kept looking ahead, a smirk appeared on his face, he suddenly said, "Kid, I can keep it's attack at bay for a while, do you thing now!"

Leylin raised his finger with Blood Vein Ring. After a while, he threw pointed it towards the crystal chunk onto the stone platform.

Leylin knows that personally without any outside help he has no way to capture the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame, let alone his current realm not even a Spirit Realm Third Sky can't defeat it, unless one is a True God Realm Warrior they can't subdue a fierce and domineering Heaven Flame like Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame.

His only hope is through this mysterious ring which he acquired as soon as he came to this world. Ever since it could capture Ice Cold Flame Leylin understood that he underestimated the usability of such an unbelievable treasure.

Blood Vein Ring is full of mystery and its ability to seal a Heaven Flame astonished Leylin to no end, not to mention the various Martial Skills he has gained from it.

Ever since the time Leylin broke the ice seal around himself subduing Ice Cold Flame he has acquired various martial skills. Leylin was intrigued by those skill's ability and surprised to see the profoundness hidden underneath their mechanism.

Leylin hasn't cultivated those skills with much vigor previously because he wanted to study their compoundness more, but after a while of his experimentation he couldn't help but feel a bit greedy for them.

To make him greedy, one can assume that it's surely not a subpar skill!

Leylin has been able to practice the Third Sky Of Ramage which directly increased his powers a level further, currently Leylin has no idea about his real prowess when he goes all out because he doesn't have sufficient data to compare.

Leylin also acquired a soul protection skill named Five Devils Condensation Refining. This formation could gather the negative feelings which were the Five Devils in the Sea of Mind.

Despair, fear, bloodshed, greed, and resentment were five different kinds of feelings transformed with the extremely ominous negative energy inside Leylin to create Devil of Despair, Devil of fear, Devil of bloodshed, Devil of greed, and the Devil of resentment.

Leylin has gained so many surprises from the Blood vein ring and he decided to trust it's ability once more if nothing else he can retreat and probably think of some other way. It's not as if he has no other way, pagans can't leave from here and can only await their demise but it's not necessarily him who needs to suffer the same fate.

Leylin calmed his mind and sent his spirit into the Blood Vein Ring. Soon, red light abruptly emitted from the Blood Vein Ring. As soon as the Blood Vein Ring had gotten commanded from him, it released a beam of sparkling lights, striking straight into the stone platform.


As the Blood Vein Ring struck on the shield around the platform, it got prevented by the Heaven Light, and could not get through the shield to come to the stone platform.

Leylin's face changed seeing the shield uneffected by the rings attack.

Leylin kept standing for a while sending more commands to attack but nothing happened, the Blue Star Crystal got thinner and thinner while the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame was unaffected.

Dallas face turned into seriousness and furiousness. He looked at Leylin, shaking his head disappointedly. "We should leave."

The two leaders of the Wings Race were extremely hopeless at this moment. They've even had completely lost their fighting will.

However, they did not notice that after Leylin had pointed the ring towards it and the ray hit the crystal, the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame inside of the white crystal chunk had lost its mocking intimidation. The handsome face gradually exposed an insecure look.

The devilish silver pupils stared at the Blood Vein Ring without blinking. It seemed to sense that something was unusual.

"Huh?" Leylin was surprised as if he witnessed an amazing scene.

'The ring is actually creating a platform similar to this place!'

A condensed blood aureole like fresh blood slowly spread out from the Blood Vein Ring. The pattern on the Blood Vein Ring's surface gradually transformed, forming a mysterious formation …

Gradually, that formation turned into a formation similar to the platform where the flame was sealed. A flow of red lights flashed up in the middle of the formation then disappeared.

A moment later, Leylin again felt an abnormality as if an automated response was sent inside the ring. Leylin immediately sent his spirit into the Blood Vein Ring again to observe and found that the huge sword inside the Blood Vein Ring was vibrating.

The gigantic sword was like a brilliant fire crystal. There were many closing evil eyes on the sword. The sword hilt had lost all its former splendid power since it had entered the Blood Vein Ring, from the time Leylin acquired the sword from inside the Sun Core Spirit it had been lying dormant but now...

Suddenly the hilt of the mysterious giant blazing red sword hidden deep inside the Blood Vein Ring flew out all of a sudden.

The mysterious giant sword dragged the hundred-meter blood halo along, traumatically shot out destructive aura, then slashed down the shelter of the huge stone block.


The giant sword could have easily torn off the shelter, which was refined by the Heaven Light, just like it was made from thin paper. The shelter immediately shattered into pieces.

Dallas and Yashila pupils shrank instantly, showing an insecure feeling.

These two God Realm warriors could feel an earth-shaking power from the giant sword. That surging power was extremely outrageous, which also scared them a little. They were certain that there were numerous of mysterious secrets hidden inside this sword, which could even intimidate them.

In the center of the stone platform, the handsome face of the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame inside of the crystal chunk had changed dramatically


The splendid white crystal chunk was splashed into many small pieces just like soft tofu, releasing the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame.

"Boom boom boom"

An explosive sound like thunderbolts came out from deep inside of the Sound Beast Mountain. The explosion was extremely devastating.

The huge commotion immediately alerted everyone both outside the shelter as well as inside, Victor and the three Demonic Sound Clan leaders immediately decided to go inside.

Victor was a step further while the other leaders of the Demonic Sound Clan also instantly followed after him with only a little hesitation.

After the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame flew out, the giant sword made no moves then, as if it knew even if it could attack again, it would be useless. The giant sword that was floating in the air was emitting violent murderous aura which slowly moved towards the Blood Vein Ring.

"Woo woo"

The Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame did not notice this sword. As soon as it got out, it immediately dashed towards Leylin and others as fast as lightning.

"Swoosh swoosh swoosh"

The faint blue halo was hit by a bundle of burning fires, sprinkling embers everywhere. The Blue Star Crystal in Dallas's hand contracted quickly.

Dallas's face changed dramatically. He shouted to Leylinn while looking at him with a severe face, "I can't hold it any longer. You'd better find a solution."

Leylin eyebrows frowned as he stared at the motionless sword.

'It stopped after breaking the seal.. I highly doubt that's the extent of its ability, perhaps the ring knows that the sword won't be useful any further and hence didn't attack. From what I can gather the Blood Vein Ring has a dormant ring spirit and despite of that it's able to execute commands with such intelligence... I can't be sure but my guts tell me this definitely isn't an ability of a mortal.. Perhaps the creator of this ring is an exceptional entity.'

Leylin contemplated in silence meanwhile just in a short time, the Blue Star Crystal in Dallas hand shrank to a child-sized fist. With this reducing speed, the Blue Star Crystal would only have lasted for a few minutes more. Then its power would have been completely drained.

The Blue Star Crystal could project the powerful halo which could prevent the burning fires of the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame. Dallas had decided to come inside here because of this Blue Star Crystal. Once the Blue Star Crystal consumed all of its power, there was no more protection from the blue halo. By that time, the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flames burning fires would incinerate their souls to ashes instantly.

Right at this moment, a figure came up from a distance. Victor's figure suddenly ceased, then moved backward immediately.

As soon as he saw the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame, he could feel the soul-destructive power from it, especially when he saw it leaving Dallas and the other two's place and was now approaching towards him.

Victor shouted in fear, turned around, and ran away from that place while beginning to regret his decision to come here.

The three leaders of the Demonic Sound Clan were lagging behind him because of their special feeble bodies. When they were on the way coming in, seeing Victor fleeing fast, without thinking, they instantly turned around and ran away even faster than him.

Victor screamed out frighteningly and nervously, hoping that Dallas would help him out of this deadly situation.

Yashila's beautiful eyes lit up a cold light. She said with a smirk on her face, "He probably wanted to have a part of the treasure. Regretfully, he came here at the wrong time. Should we help him?"

Leylin immediately interjected and spoke with cold eyes, "Let him be, for me to deal with Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame I need it to be stationery for a while. Victor would be a sacrifice for the greater good."

Victor was soon caught up and entangled by the vicious attack of Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame as he suddenly held his head and screamed out miserably. The screams were extremely sorrowful which meant that he was suffering severe pain and bitterness.

Leylin observed inside the Blood Vein Ring where inside the ambiguous white blank, there was an enormous octagonal-shaped stone block, a splendid white crystal chunk, a hollow mountain..

Everything inside the ring, the lava rock mountain flanks, the stone block, the crystal chunk, even the sealing forces on the stone, were set up exactly the same inside of the cave. One cannot notice any tiny differences between the scene inside and outside of the ring.

The Blood Vein Ring had prepared everything to seal the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame.

"Seal!" Leylin shouted while he lifted the Blood Vein Ring with the ring's surface towards the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame.

The Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame, which had penetrated Victor's body, suddenly screamed out loud, "What is it? I can't believe, can't believe it can drag me out!"