Chapter 1 Prologue to Lust

The men stares out into the darkness beyond the motel room. There's nobody out there. Yet you know your pursuers won't give up so easily. Are you okay?.

Shush. Do you want them to find us?. The men pins you against a wall

with his hand gently placed over your mouth. You sink your teeth into his fingers. Ow! He pulls his hand back and cusses as you give him a look. That look. I see how it is. He brings you closer with the hand that doesn't have your marks on it. Within seconds, you are tangled in each other. His tongue tastes your lips as he searches your clothes for zippers. You slide your finger across the buckle of his belt. Who are ye, who through the night ; Onward urge your desperate flight? The Overthrow of Zebah and Zalmunna by Susanna Moodie. A+, my dear. Now a follow up question: Who are you? Who are you really? You lean closer, ready to whisper your answer in his ear.

*5 months earlier

*Sigh.* On the day your life was supposed to end. You took your first steps towards meeting him.