Chapter 11 Lost Love

The man who kidnapped Cally takes her to a back alley behind a large hospital. You slip out of the car and watch at a safe distance as he hands her over to a doctor. An actual doctor is in on this? God. The doctor slips the kidnapper a wad of cash before turning to head inside with Cally. Now's my chance. If I attack staff, I'll look like the bad guy. I'll probably have more luck with that fellow they hired for their dirty work. Ah! You catch the man off guard and overpower him easily. Wh-what the hell? You took the words from my mouth. Now tell me. Why did you kidnap that woman? Chill. I got my money, I'll talk. I take it you're a mate of that Polly Wallace chick? I don't know much, but the doctor said her family wanted her to be scared back into her senses. Polly Wallace? You mean the woman you took? Uh, yeah? ...I see. Get out of here before I call the police on you. Thanks for understanding, mate. So this was all orchestrated by Cally's family? That certainly makes things more complicated.