Monke and Battle Royales (8)

I silently crept away from the headless body of my previously allied lamia (who was now in my hate relationship book, even though it didn't matter 'cause she was dead) and hoped that whoever those two were didn't find me.

'I'm pretty sure I heard the small figure, which sounded like a female, now that I think about it, call the woman a hussy…' I cringed, and swore to whatever FBI god that I was completely innocent.

I plead innocent and solemnly swear that I am not a pedophile, so please don't put me in horny jail where other inmates could shank me in the ass.

Jokes aside, I had to quickly run for the hills so those two wouldn't dream of finding me, if only for a few days. Attention here and there is unescapable, that I admit, but this kind of attention makes me want to dig a hole and hide there for the rest of my life.