Monke and Battle Royales (11)

After I had exited the luxurious and magically spacious tent of the seductive vampire, I made my way towards the center of the camp to get a good look at my surroundings. Looking around, I could easily relate this place to that of a nomad tribe's camp set up for the week.

A bunch of tents with their flaps still closed due to how early it is, some Dungeon Masters here and there walking around doing their jobs, be it either procuring water from the well in the middle of the camp, to foraging some food such as berries and plants.

Since there was no wildlife during this Battle Royale, we had to settle for some Dungeon Masters called Runners to immediately head to the supply drop once one dropped.

Which Arekhus explained to me yesterday night after a hearty meal with the other Dungeon Masters giving me a suspicious glare, but not hostile, since they were just wary of a new face.