Monke MOBA (First Match - Respawn)

My eyes fluttered open, my feet touching the familiar platform that was situated right at the back of our base.

HP: 7,330 / 7,330

'Huh… My HP is full again…'

"Jionni, you're back! What happened?" Immediately right after I was… respawned… Oshurkova decided to bombard my transceiver with loud screams, a few explosions happening in the background.

"… Ugh, just got wrecked. Hard." I responded with a grimace. Truly, that was one of the most pathetic experiences I had the fortune of happening to me. "Never mind that, did you get flanked by another Dungeon Master?"

"Yes, fortunately, we were able to retreat back to the Bartizan, so he left. I don't know where he is now, though." Oshurkova replied, a primal roar of a beast was heard through the transceiver, followed by Oshurkova's pained yelling, and Typhial's scream of rage.