~ Third Person POV ~
"That asshole?" Inziz eyebrows raised, she gripped her weapon of choice, a zweihander. "Not much I can tell you, but he's a bloodthirsty maniac."
"Yeah, I figured." Jionni's earlier encounter with the man told him that much. "Do you know any of his weaknesses?"
"Weaknesses?" Inziz furrowed her brows, Mariona glancing from the sidelines. "Not much, just that he tends to lose himself in himself when in that state."
"So… Not really a weakness." Inziz nodded, and Jionni sighed. "Well, at least I can work with that. Chances are, they'll be able to reach the town. Inziz, you sure you can handle protecting Mariona?"
"Pfft." Inziz scoffed as she raised her zweihander. "It'll take more than a month-long coma to put a dragonewt out of commission."
Smirking, she snapped her fingers and a transparent barrier appeared in front of the gun turret facing the forest.