Monke and Good(Maybe Bad) News

Panicking slightly at the thought of being a father, Odette increased said panic by telling me some more things about my… sperm in union with the egg cell in the jar.

"Also, fur some unknown reason, mein defice kapable uff tellingkt vhat kind uff race ze newborn vill be told me zat all uff fertilized egg cells only had female genders, as vell as takingkt ze species uff ze mozzer."

My panic slightly subsided at the thought, a sigh of relief escaping my lips as the future of a dozen monkey me's running around the Dungeon with grins on their faces.

Actually, that sounds not that bad when taking into account my gorilla body.

"Wait, hold on… How many egg cells were fertilized again?" I asked Odette, a sweat dropping from my face as she gave me a huge grin.

"Ein hundred undt fifty-two!" I grew pale at the number. "It'll take nine monzzs before zey kan be born, undt after zat, I'll send zem to your Dungeon."