
I marched to the city of Camelot. I really had no where else to go. Perhaps I can live as a thief and steal enough money to feed myself and to get myself training equipment. Nah, I can't fall that low. If I had to resort to thievery then can I really hope that one day I would get stronger?

Anyway it seem Camelot is in sight now, Finally, after several days of trekking through the woods. As for how I knew where Camelot was? I have see a map before, I know where I am going. After walking for a couple more hours I reached the city of Camelot. There was a line outside the city to get in.

I made my way to the line and I got more then one strange look sent my way. That is probably due to the fact that I am practically wearing rags. During my trek through the forest I tore my cloths a bunch so what was once peasant clothes is now just rags.

While waiting in line I looked around at the people around me. Some were merchants who wanted to sell their goods inside the city. Some seemed to be peasants who had come back after working at farms. There was even someone who looked like a small time noble who was near the front of the line.

After waiting for a while I was finally at the front of the line. There were a couple soldiers there who stood guard at the gate.

"Can you show us your ID?" a soldier asked

"I don't have one because it burned down with the rest of my village a few days ago." I stated

When the guard heard that he froze. Then asked whether I was from a village from the north that had been burned down recently. When I said yes a look of pity formed on his face and I was informed that I was the only survivor from the village. That made me feel down as I had been hoping that someone had made it out.

Another guard spoke up " I feel sorry for your situation but we can't let you in without an ID"

Damn, I had spent all this time to try to get to the city only to be denied access. Is fate playing cruel tricks on me?

After the Guard had seen the crestfallen look on my face he seemed to hesitate then said

"If you become a soldier like us the you will be issued a new ID and you will be given a place to sleep, food, and a wage. I can take you to be made a soldier if you want?"

I thought about it for a few moments. Being a solider would have its benefits. I would get an ID which would allow me to enter and leave a Camelot which would be useful. Also they would probably try to train us to be stronger which would allow me to up my skills and power level. I am already stronger then most of them but that is only really in raw strength. I have very bad sword skills and they could use improvement. Plus they would also mostly likely buy training

equipment for us so I would not need to buy it myself. I think it would be the best choice to become a soldier.

"Sure, how do I register to become a solider?" I asked

The Guard started walking into the city and said "Follow me, I'll take you to registration."

I followed the guard through the city and after walking for a few minutes we reached what looked like a barracks surrounded by several building and a training yard where soldiers were sparring with each other and swinging their weapons. The military area was surrounded by a small wall and at the gate to this military camp was a desk with a man sitting their looking bored.

The Guard who I was following walked up to the man and said

"I would like to recommend this kid to become a solider."

The man at the desk replied " Sure, but he still has to go through an exam to see if he had potential worth enough for us to train. You ok with that kid? You still might not get in."

"I am fine with that."

" What's your name?"


"Ok, there are three tests, A Mages test which will tell us if you have potential to be a mage in the future which is very rare. A Warrior's test where you will fight an instructor who will judge your potential. Last but not least there is a Power level test where we will test your power level."

These tests seem easy enough. I don't know if I have talent to become a mage but it's worth a shot. It would be nice to be a mage but I am more warrior oriented at the moment. Almost every deadly sins fighter is a warrior of some sort. The only strong mage is Merlin and she trained by a very long time so warrior is better. The warrior test will depend on the power level of the instructor but I will probably have to beat the instructor using raw power. The only one that bothers me is the power level test. People will wonder why I have such a high power level for someone as young as myself. Then again what can I say except that it's pure talent. Actually, they may dedicate more resources to me if I prove I am a genius which will allow me to get even stronger.

"Ok, when will I take the tests?" I asked

"Follow me to the testing room, you will test along other kids who want to become a soldier." The man said

The man got up from his desk and walked toward a large rectangular shapped building. He opened a door and said

" Wait here with the other children."

I walked inside the building about to show people who's boss.