Battle With The Demons

"Sylvester, you know you can't beat me, right?" A boy with a blurred face said with confident.

Sylvester pouted and clenched his fist: "You're so mean! I will be a powerful god and I will beat you!"

The boy grinned and patted the head of the angry lad. Sylvester push his hands and glare angrily at him.

"I hate you!"

"Sorry, sorry. Of course, Sylvester will be the most powerful god of all! Everyone will bow down to you, my almighty god."he chuckled.

Sylvester purse his lips, suppressing the smile. But he can't help it but to laugh.

"You're so funny! When I become the most powerful god, I will make the life of mortals easier so that they will build a temple and worship me!"

"Yes, my almighty god."

Sounds of genuine laughter echoed the golden hall.

Sylvester opened his eyes. A new emotion formed on his eyes. He doesn't know what those dreams are. He doesn't have an idea why those dreams started appearing.

"Hanabis..."he called.

Hanabis came out and worriedly stared at his master: "Master, don't panic. Those dreams are part of the memories that was sealed when you become a god. Those dreams started popping up because you lose half of your power. But don't worry, when we get your power back, we can seal it again. Together with all the emotions you felt." Hanabis was his master's other soul, what his master's feel, he can feel it too.

Sylvester remained silent and glance at the opened window. It was already dark, but the darkness seems embracing him. The wind circled around him, comforting him. He sighed.

"I guess some of my emotions has broken out the sealed now."

"Master..." Hanabis choked. Because right now, for the first time, his master experience longing for the boy on his dreams.

"How long will it take for us to arrived at the duchy?"the beastman asked.

The elf beside him takes off his armor before turning to the beastman: "I don't know, but I heard it will be five days or a week."he answered indifferently.

"Hey Cohen Protalan why are you so cold? You always bully me." The beastman dropped his swords and armor, looking like he was wrong. His lion ears fall as his tail stop swinging. He was almost looking pitiful, if only his body was not like a giant's.

The beautiful elf man with a violet eyes glared at him. "Stop your nonsense, Uriel. I need to set up my tent. Stop bothering me!"

"I can help you! You see, my brother Lianne already assemble our tent. I can help you now!"

"Why don't you start helping me by shutting your mouth?"


The elf didn't pay attention to him anymore, he started constructing his tent, while the puppy lion was following him like a tail. He groaned. 'Where the fûck is Troy?!'

Meanwhile, some of the soldiers started building a huge bonfire. They already travelled for two days straight, and the crown prince decided to camp in the misty forest. Almost hundred of tents was surrounding the forest.

Inside the huge tent, five man was having a private conversation. The crown prince stared at the four future dukes. He was satisfied by the arrangement, and hoping that he can control all of these men in the future.

"Your highness, some of demons was already hiding." Sebastian, the crown prince's most trusted aid.

"The demons may reach to the city, we need to inform his majesty."the elf man, Troy, suggested.

The others immediately agreed while looking at the crown prince. If the demons really arrived at the closest city, then it will be troublesome. Although they all defeated the huge masses of demon, that doesn't mean that they all exterminate. If this goes on, the kingdom will be filled with filthy demon.

The crown prince Joaquin narrowed his eyes. He was the future ruler of the kingdom. His mission was to protect the life of his people. But first, he really needed to find the root of the demon's havoc.

"I will notify his majesty, for now the closest city will be the duchy of Obelima. Gavin, will be staying to observe for a while in your castle, I hope it's okay."

"It's our pleasure, your highness." Gavin answered without a hint of emotions.

The crown prince nodded. "Good. Let's rest for now and prepared for our—"

"Your highness!" A soldier suddenly interrupted. He was sweating and blood cling unto his clothes. "There are demons attacking us!"

The crown prince and the other straight away went outside. What greeted them was soldiers and mages fighting with giant red creatures. The Crown Prince summon his soul weapon and the others followed.

"Why is the demon suddenly attacking us?!" The crown roared in anger. This is not a coincidence. The other half of the troupes has already departed earlier. Something was lurking to them! He knew for sure.

"Your highness, there are so many demons appearing! We need back up!" A soldier suggest but to his surprise, an attack came out from nowhere cutting directly his flesh. He yelped.

The crown prince gritted his teeth: "Sebastian, find a wind mage with you! Find Iavis and request some back up! I believe they are not that far!"

Sebastian nodded, and the wind mage followed him. They rode the horse hurriedly.

The crown prince and his comrades was raging in fury. They all fought with their limitless strength. Some warriors and mages was already exhausting when the crown prince suddenly saw the portal where demons keep appearing.

"Seal the portal!" He screamed.

The soldiers nodded and headed directly to the appearing portals.

"Brother what happened?!" A shocked voice followed by the loud footstep of the horse.

Iavis narrowed his eyes when he noticed the situation. He arrived early because he used a teleportation scroll. He summoned his soul weapon and joined the fight.

Elves use their own elements power to attack the demonic creatures, the beastman was brawling a lout with their infinite strength, while the other transforms into their beast form. Some magic circles appeared beside the soldiers, protecting and giving assistance.

Iavis was known for his outstanding abilities with it comes to swordsmanship. He exhibits his skills by killing demons by just one attack. His deep eyes was calm but with a hint of anger. He jumped off unto his horse and ran directly towards his brothers.

"Iavis!" The crown prince notice his younger brother: "We need to seal the portals!"

"I don't have portal seals, I use all of it by sealing the portals on the valley of Dalyha." He answered while continuously slicing every demon near him.

"Damn it. The demons never stop emerging." The crown prince fought with exhaustion.

Sylvester coughed a mouthful amount of blood. His white night gown was dyed in red. His heart was bursting. His eyes narrowed. He can feel it. Somebody was surpassing his power.

"Hanabis!"he called.

A shadow appeared looking anxious: "Master it's Yuno! I can feel it!"

Sylvester stared coldly. He knew that Yuno has been surpassed by an unknown force. That's why he can't go out. He rises from the bed and hurriedly change his clothes. Hanabis followed him.

He changed into a black mage robe. He wore a pair of black gloves and choker. When he finished he suddenly shakes the bell.

The door opened, revealing Elvis with misty eyes. His eyes widen when he noticed his master's outfit.

"Change into my appearance. I will go somewhere." Sylvester didn't wait for him to answer. And went to the cabinet to fetch the transportation scrolls.

"Understood master." Elvis change into the appearance of his master while waiting for his follow-up demands.

Sylvester glanced at him: "Just pretend that you are me, and don't go out and just wait for me to come back." He did not wait for his answer and instantly jump off on the window.

As his foot touched the ground, his red hair turns black, and his red eyes was now a dark obsidian. As his hands touched the scrolls, his figure disappear.