The Arrival (1)

Sounds of humane quality of utensils reverberated around the whole quite dining room. Several maids stand by beside the members of the Obelimas.

Eight figures ate silently, exposing elegant and calm etiquette. Duke Damien Obelima glance at his four children and three wives.

In the beginning he had five wives, came from different country and continents. All exhibiting different type of characters and beauty, but his two wives was completely disposed alongside their poor graded children.

He was the master of this house. The rules obeyed his order, he can cast out anyone that he don't like.

He had twelve children, six of them has been married to the lower noble family. He was unsatisfied by those weak seedlings. The remaining six has been trained like hell by him. Swordsmanship, magic, governing, critical thinking and even manipulating. But his eldest son, Gavin, excel most of them, making him the next duke of Obelima. His second child, Daniel, was also good but soft-hearted that doesn't fit to be the master of the house.

But out of these six outstanding heirs, his eyes peek at his youngest son, Sylvester. Pervade with his clever and astute mind, he manipulated all the boundaries that get on his way by keeping a low profile. In short, he is the secret weapon of Obelima. He tried to hide this to his father, but duke Damien was not easy to be fool with. Instead of anger, he felt satisfied. Hiding your strength is also a genius idea that can make enemy caught on guard.

Glacia Obelima narrowed her eyes towards her fifth brother. She doesn't exactly know why all of her siblings and even her father pampered this fragile little brother of hers. He doesn't have any good qualifications except his godly face.

She was younger than him, but she surpasses him in terms of all aspect, but she does not get the credit she deserved. Her hands clenched on the utensils.

Her blonde hair and red eyes was considered unique in terms of beauty. Like a goddess of mortals, half-blooded elf and even almost identical to the royal family. But compared to his fifth brother...she is indeed inferior. That's why she really hated this youth to the fullest.

The duke cleared his throat, caught all their attentions: "The two royal princes will arrive tomorrow together with Gavin and Daniel and their troupes."he announced.

"Oh, that's why everybody was preparing, huh." The first wife, Gracia replied. She hid her expression with her red fan while staring intimately with the duke.

"I hope no catastrophe will occur. And I hope you all disregard your leisure activities for the mean time."he added, narrowing his eyes to his fourth son, Leon, who is mostly sadistic towards his prisoner.

Leon smiled cheekily. Why does his father was anxious towards this royal family? It will be fun if the two of them will be added to his toys.

Sylvester remained calm and sophisticated, his injuries has long healed a while ago. But thinking of those descendants of the god arriving in his home, he can't help but feel disbelief and rage. Numerous memories kept repeating in his stone-cold mind. Without the help of Hanabis, restraining the seal emotions in his heart, he will instantly go crazy in anger.

He played his food without giving his relatives a glance. He lost a long time ago his sense of taste. Furthermore, he is not required to eat because his supplement in his body was just evil deeds of a living person. Pure bitter taste bide in his tasteless tongue.

The Obelima are full of unholy feat, he himself is a punisher, but he can't entirely eliminate this family. Their actions was considered evil, but they did not harm innocent individuals, all the person they mistreated was sinners. In fact, they made his job easily. But sometimes he gave a light curse or punishment towards his family members if others went on line. Insomnia, headache and bad luck are the retribution he gives them.

The dinner went swift and nimble, Sylvester pass to his room when his mother stopped him in midway.

"Sylvester, can you give time to mother?" Savannah Obelima, asked the youth. Her beauty was always dazzling and consistent, making one's think he did not have two children. Her red hair was light compared to his son. But her emerald green eyes was sparkly and full of vitality.

Sylvester mitigates his movements, "What can I do for mother?"his tone was always casual.

"Mother thinks that you don't need to attend this banquet. The two princes might be suspicious of your eyes." She explained.

Her son's eyes was unique to the point of alarming one's heart. She did research of all the books in their library for the condition of her son's eyes. She was worried if it was a curse or disease, but she did not find anything related to his eyes. Not only that, but she was fretting if the royal princes will pay attention to his son because of his unique eyes. Like a devil's.

Sylvester feels a warm breeze on his heart, "You don't need to worry, mother."

This feeling is novel to him. Living for a thousand of decades, this is the first time he experienced parental care and love. But he disregards these emotions. He is destined to feel empty and dull. His job as a god was to bear the weight of sins to prevent them from spreading.

"But you know that your eyes will cause their misunderstanding and panic. The royal family has been nemesis with ours, I'm afraid..."

"You really don't need to worry, mother. Please rest, father will be mad if you will be late tomorrow."

Savannah sighed and smiled. Although this son of her does not have certain emotions, she really can't help but to fret.


"Why do I feel I entered the demon realm..."one of the soldiers murmured? The others feel the same.

The duchy of Obelima was filled with dark and joyless ambience. All the houses of commoners was unwelcoming and uninviting. They feel a sudden stygian atmospheric subfusc. All the residents living here has no amiable expression, full of suspicious eyes and resentment gestures. Even the crown prince frowned slightly.

They long know that this place was called, crime city. Every single one was only controlled by the rules and norms. If someone committed mistake or prodigious crime, death only awaits them. The only one who live in this dreary and leaden place was the commoners who was exiled in one place. This town was full of suffering and despair.

Uriel holds the sleeves of his friend, Cohen. He was scared to death! While they rode their horses, the eyes of this people was dull and terrible. He was a beastman. The city he lived was joyful and welcoming, but...this place. It's ill-it and shadowy!

"Stop holding me!" Cohen whined.

"B-But them. T-They look like, they want to eat me."

"You're a beastman. Why would they eat you? As far as I remember, you should be the one scaring them idiot."

"So meanie!"

Iavis stayed serene and calm, despite the gloomy ambience in this town his mind was still full of image of the stranger he fought with.

He really hopes that he can meet that person.

Smile occured on his thin lips. He wish to kill that person who made him show his real face for the first time.