Unforeseen Synergy

The Crown Prince was stunned. His golden strands of hair flutters on his forehead exudes an imposing aura, likely to be called a cold and ruthless face.

Slowly, a deep smile emerge in his thin lips. Sylvester calmly retracted his face as he moves backward and observe the face of the exposed Crown Prince.

Fortunately, Joaquin laughed wildly. His guffaw echoed in the silent room. Little by little his mocking gaze changed into a sharp and striking glare. A faint grin appeared on Sylvester's mouth. He caught him.

"This young master surely is genius..."he moves closer to the red haired youth, narrowing his eyes: "Why do you think I want to become a god?"he vaguely uttered.

Sylvester sat on the chair, not meeting the gaze of the questioning prince. His calm eyes shifted unto the open air, "Your desire is too obvious. Let me guess.."he turned his head. Exposing a wicked smile, "You believe your inclination will bring peace in the mortal realm. Don't you agree?"

Joaquin stiiffened. This is the first time he felt lose and defeated, and even added to the mere fact that the one who beated him was only a seventeen year old young man. He smiled with interest, gently rested his two arms around the sitting youth.

"As expected for the one..."he leaned closer on his ears, "The one who did not belong on this world."

The immense confrontation brought both tense and dark atmosphere. Joaquin move his face backward, moderately detecting the expression of the youth. But Sylvester was still calm and collected without any tiny bit of nervousness. The Crown Prince furrowed his eyebrow. This man. He already knew the truths. And he already expected that he will blackmail him using this idea.

Sylvester quitely observe the confuse and slightly frustrated countenance of the Prince. His eyes paused on the glowing blue eyes of the man. He chuckled.

I see. Insight. The power that perceive even the slightly complications of a certain opponent. That ability can perceive and discern anyone and find flaws in their enemies. That's why he knew that Sylvester does not belong in this world. Because of his eyes.

Joaquin was somewhat agitated. He already let out the bait and yet the youth still did not showed even a bit of tension. The displayed mocking smiled has long been destroyed by this man. He hates it. He knew nothing about this man. But it seems like, this young master was able to distinguish all his schemes and plans.

Indeed. Sylvester already expected this outcome. Because the power of his insight can not be surpass by his ability, his foresight. An ability to understand all the future things in just a single flaunt of belief. But he needed this man.

"What does your highness mean that I don't belong on this world?"he gently put the tea cup that his holding, flashing a sincere smile: "Does his highness knew something that even mortals can't understand?"

Joaquin let out a rehearsed smiled, "No need to hide it young master. I already knew that you don't likely be a mortal. You don't have any spiritual or mana in your body. But the aura beneath your vessel was enough to fight against the four star mage and a level five soul soldier. What are you?"his voice rise. Even if they all yell in this room, The Crown Prince already casted a soundproof barrier.

The red eyes of the youth glowed radiant, suddenly a huge amount of pressure has been released. The hair and the dress of the juvenile flutters while he slowly rises in his chair.

For a moment, Joaquin feel dumbfounded. Without the help of his royal emblem, he most likely be shaken by this intense aura. He steady straightened his back while receiving the approaching youth.

He smiled amusingly while grasping the flying strands of hair of the red-haired youth and vaguely set it on his ears, "What is this power? This is not an elf nor a mage. Most likely, it feels like a power of demons."his voice was loud enough to be perceived the meaning on his tone. He was threatening the youth by hiding the risk on those syllables.

Yet, Sylvester did not feel scared. He lifted his chin just enough to face the cold gaze of the man, "You don't need to know."

Slowly a sharp pointed object was placed at the pale cheeks of the young man. Teasingly movings downwards his neck. Joaquin flashed an arrogant and ruthless behavior.

"An incorrect answer will equal to one slice in every flesh. You dare?"

Sylvester exudes a ridicule smile, attitude still coolheaded and serene. He nudge the sword using only his pointing finger and slowly spoke in a soft tone, "You can't kill me. Because you knew to yourself that my identity was mystery enough to betray your own kingdom."

Joaquin gnashed his teeth. Truthfully, he was really curious. He feel like this youth's identity is big enough to destroy the whole continent and besides, the exact reason was...

"Hair red as blood. Demonic eyes and appearance that surpasses even gods. The enemy of the mortal realm."he stated cacophonously, "That was the oracle declared."

Sylvester moves his slender fingers softly, touches the chest of the golden hair man. "You are confuse in that oracle is that right?"the man stiffened but he did not stop, "You think that the gods was rash and anxious about this said existence. Precisely, you don't want to follow that oracle because you stil not understand the reason of this extermination."In every phrase, his voice carried a seductive charm and even he the Prince, who saw countless beauty was still affected.

"You want to ask, why does the god really want to eliminate this one small individual? What powers does this man posess? big enough, even for the gods to feel tense and anxious?"

The changes of Joaquin's face was noticeable. Certainly, the young man was right. He wants to know the reason. Even if it causes the misfortune of the kingdom, he still wants to know the reason.

Sylvester lighly smile, "Am I right your highness?"he asked lowly. "The question that the gods can't answer, I can answer it all."

"And the reason why gods can't answer your question was simply because...."The red haired youth faces lightly glowed under the mercy of the striking sun, making him scream in formality and exudes an aura of a certain point. The corner of his mouth curved. "You are just a vessel."

Joaquin laughed mockingly. His eyes displayed an intense anger but his face remained dignified in calm posture. He already know it all along. That's why he desire to become a god. Change the norms and the life of his citizens. To be able to obtain that, he need this youth. This man who hides hundred of secrets.

"Undeniably, your words are precise. But the question is, why does this young master know it?"

"I can't answer that."

"Of course, I don't expect an answer but I want..."he leaned closer enough to reach his ears, "Your cooperation."he whispered.

"What made you say that I will agree?"

"I know you want something for me. That's why I want your cooperation."Joaquin spoke with confidence.

Sylvester giggle. "You want the downfall of Obelima. And elect Gavin as a new Duke, to be able to control the four pillars of the kingdom. Am I right?"

The smiled on the Crown Prince deepened. "Indeed."

"To obtain what you want, you need me to manipulate and to fully control the public opinion of elders. You want me to become a bait."

Sylvester frowned. A flashed of annoyance showed in his red eyes. He don't like being use as pawn. He was sick of that. But he still needed this unforeseen synergy. A pure smiled appeared on his red lips.

"You want me to become the crown princess and use me to become the evil and wicked prince's consort. And for that reason, my family will be drag in the mess. Your quite ruthless your highness."he chuckled without humor.

The calm face of the Crown Prince cracked, "That's not exactly the point. I just need you to become a distraction in public matters—"

"Because the public already forget the misdeed of the duke? And you want me to appear in order for the public to monitor my background and also will pay attention to movements of my family."

"As expected. You think rather fast."

"But what made you think that I will agree? I am an Obelima and you already trust me enough to exposed all your plans?"

Joaquin shifted his arms rested on the table and slowly touches the smooth chin of the young man, "The holy empire is chasing you. The only way for them to not touch you was to become my consort."his thump touches those seductive lips.

Sylvester scowled. Tighly gripping the hands that was touching him, "You are not bad as I thought. But you are the descendant of a god an yet you betrayed your origin."

Joaquin pulled his hands and chuckled lightly. He kneel on ground and slowly kissed the hands of youth, "I want to change this world. In order to fulfill that, I need first is to betray my origin."he lifted his face and meeting the eyes of the youth, "You and I are now accomplice."

Sylvester only smiled. His calm and serene eyes displayed a sudden warm and chilly gaze. No matter what the Crown Prince said was all precisely wrong.

No. They are not accomplice. Neither they will. He only need to use this man to perform his plan. He did not trust him. Not anyone.

Not even his family. Brothers. Mother. And even Gavin. They are only pawn that will be use and dispose in the near future.

Because he was the ruthless and wicked fallen God.