The plane of Neeleus, the beauty president!

"But this matter, I can't be the master."

Burton said respectfully, "You wait here for a while, and I will go to the headquarters for instructions."


Fang Qingshi raised his eyebrows, twirled the small teacup with his slender fingers, and said calmly, "Then you have to hurry up, the Protoss will find out here soon, and you can't give me an exact word by then. answer, then we void the transaction.

He couldn't put all the eggs in one basket.

If the World Chamber of Commerce is afraid of the Protoss and does not dare to cover up Fang Qing, then he has other plans.


If he wanted to leave, Fang Qing could leave at any time, but the Protoss couldn't keep him.

The problem is, to stay and kill Fitch, you need somewhere to hide.

World Chamber of Commerce is a good choice.

But it's just one option.

crunch one by one

Burton pushed out the door and left the private room.

He took a few steps forward, his breathing gradually became heavier, he could no longer suppress the excitement and excitement in his heart, and his whole body began to tremble.



Mr. Fang is a master of seal carving!

He is not a Tianji who is expected to be a master, because he is a master himself.

The World Chamber of Commerce is like a great cause, with tens of billions of internal members, and it almost monopolizes the commercial trade of God's Domain. The seven gods have also obtained endless wealth from the Chamber of Commerce.

This is an unimaginably huge business empire!

But even so, there are only seven Grandmasters in the entire Chamber of Commerce!

One can imagine what a seal carving master means.

Even if Fang Qing was a wanted "Evil God", even if he was really caught by the Protoss.

But as long as he showed his identity as the master of the engraving, even the Protoss would be reluctant to kill him directly.

The bigger possibility is to imprison Fang Qingshi and force him to compose and engrave the double mystical artifact.

It takes ten days and a half months to produce a double mystical artifact.

And the price of 810-pieces of double mystical artifact starts at 100 million yuan!

One year is the income of tens of billions of divine crystals.

Difficult to billion in ten years;

a hundred trillion;

Bad years have passed!

This is so… Who is willing to kill a grandmaster?

The most important thing is that in the entire Divine Realm, all the masters of profound meaning seal carving were all cultivated from scratch by those great forces.

This cultivation process requires countless resources, and the cost of the investment is so huge that even the Protoss will suffer.

And those masters who have been cultivated need to spend their entire lives working for the cultivation of their own forces in order to repay their kindness.

Picking up a "wild" master directly?

Squirt, I wouldn't dare to do this in my dreams!

But it is.

Burton really met a "wild" one.


He took three deep breaths in a row.

The can gradually calmed down.

"Seek in the risk of wealth, if I keep Mr. Fang, I can soar to the sky and become a superior person; if I can't keep it, I will die! 3)

Burton muttered to himself, his eyes gradually became very firm.

He went straight downstairs.

He came to a wall on the first floor and gently placed his hand on a vase on the side.


The light lit up, and the seal was released.

The smooth walls parted in the middle and slid to the sides, revealing a closed chamber.

In the empty secret room, there is only one thing.

It was a crystal ball with a bright blue light, just suspended in mid-air, motionless.

Burton did not hesitate at all, the Protoss was still searching for Fang Qing, and it was time to race against time.

He walked in quickly and closed the door of the secret room.

before the crystal ball.

Light (bhad) glowed in his hands.

wake it up.


The surface of the crystal ball trembled like the surface of water, and the blue light flourished.

That is, a sound conveys rhyme—

Branch ***, head Burton Boone, whose identity has been confirmed, I am the correspondent Johnny, greeting you on behalf of the headquarters. Please, how can I help you?

"I have something very important and I need to find the Great Elder, please help me get in touch.

Burton said solemnly.

As soon as these words came out, the person opposite the crystal ball fell silent.

After a full three seconds, I realized that this guy was talking.

"Your authority is not enough, you can only contact seven elders at most. 33

"But I really have something very important to do."

Burton said quickly, "The elders can't be the Lord!"

"This is the rule, please don't embarrass me!"

The other party's voice suddenly became cold.

Burton sighed and nodded helplessly: "Then… help me contact the person in charge of Eros, Elder Heyman.

"Please wait."


An image of an old man appeared in the crystal ball, and a majestic and low voice came——

"I'm Heyman, tell me, what's the matter?"

Burton took a deep breath and said straight to the point: "Elder Heyman, things are urgent, so I won't go around the corner. There is a seal engraver who is wanted by the Protoss and wants to go to the Chamber of Commerce and seek our shelter."

"Master of engraving?" Elder Haiman frowned, then shook his head without hesitation, "No! It's not worth taking the risk, although a master of engraving is very precious, but protecting him does more harm than good, it's not worth it, the Protoss is still God's Domain after all Lord, we cannot provoke lightly.39

Burton quickly explained: "It's not a master, it's a master!"

"What? Master?!!

Elder Heyman looked shocked, his eyes horrified, "Are you crazy or am I crazy? Where did you pick up the master? He must have defected from the Eros gods, right? You tell him his name and appearance. Me, I'll go check it out.

Burton smiled bitterly and said, "It's not from the Protoss, I know it's a bit crazy to say that… Mr. Fang is indeed a 'wild' seal carving master."


"That's really… what the hell!

Elder Heyman could not accept this result.


Are there creatures like "wild masters" in this world?

"Elder, come up with an idea. He is with me now. The Protoss is hunting him in the city, and the time is really tight. This is a grandmaster, a walking treasury! How can our Chamber of Commerce miss it?"

Burton sounded anxious.

If the Chamber of Commerce did not dare to accept Fang Qing, his great future would be gone.

Elder Heyman was silent for a while.

In the end, he sighed: "I can't be the master of this matter, wait for me for a while, and I will ask the chief elder… I am afraid that the chief elder can't be the master, so I have to ask the president.

"Hopefully some soon!

Burton exclaimed.

God's Domain, the plane of Neeleus.

This is a small plane that does not belong to the seven gods.

Independent of the seven major gods.

It is the headquarters of the World Chamber of Commerce.

A small plane bought with money…

The magnificent and majestic headquarters building is splendid and resplendent, and at a glance, it is full of air;

The building is 100 stories high, and every higher floor means more power.

Heyman hurried into the building.

Someone respectfully greeted him.

But Heyman had no time to answer.

He went upstairs, then upstairs, then upstairs… all the way to the ninety-ninth floor.

"Elder, I am Heyman, I have something to see you!»

I went directly to the Great Elder of the World Chamber of Commerce.

This is a great perfection god of the six profound meanings!

This strength is placed in the Protoss, and it is also an elder-level policeman under one person and above ten thousand people!

Heyman knelt down on one knee, revealing that he was drooping and looked respectful.

Obviously, he is in awe of this mysterious Great Elder.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

The majestic and old voice passed the hook.

"The person in charge of a branch in the plane of Eros told me that there was a master of mysticism…

A few words.

Heyman finished it all.

The Great Elder opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Found a master?!!

And such a good thing?!

But he was silent for a few seconds, then said solemnly:

"The wild master… It's really interesting. Although if you accept him, there will be a risk of offending the Protoss, but this is not the key, and the Chamber of Commerce has not offended the Protoss; the point is that it is not the master we cultivated ourselves, and loyalty is always a problem, may betray us at any time…"

What this Great Elder first considered was not the value of a grandmaster, nor the consequences of offending the Protoss, but the issue of "loyalty"!

Its vision and pattern are obviously not comparable to Heyman!

"Forget it, instead of the old man weighing the pros and cons, let the president make the decision."

The door hangs || opens.

The Great Elder wearing a dark red robe carried his hands on his back and walked out. His face was old, his spiritual wings were sharp, and his eyes were as sharp as falcons.

Furthermore, he was tall, mighty and straight, and was three meters tall. The terrifying aura of the Great Perfection God was faintly exuding, which made Hyman, the god of the Five Profound Truths, feel trembling.

Although only one kind of profound meaning is missing.

But the Great Perfection God and other upper-level gods are simply alarming.

If the first elder wanted to kill Heyman, he wouldn't be able to get past him with a single question.

"Are you going to see the president?"

Heyman asked respectfully.

The first elder nodded and said lightly: "Let's go, you and I go to see her. 99

Hearing this, an excited look appeared on Heiman's face.

In God's Domain, the identity of the president of the World Chamber of Commerce has always been a mystery!

Very mysterious.

Only the Great Elder Ji can go to see the President at any time.

Even this elder, he has only met once.

The realm of the gods is so large, and there are countless goddesses with unbelievable looks, but Hyman has never encountered anyone who can be compared with her.

It is said that good-looking skin is the same, but after meeting the president, Hyman knew that this sentence was wrong, because all the gorgeous words in the world could not describe her beauty.

I can't pick one out of hundreds of millions…the ultimate beauty!

Beauty should not be given to her, because she is beauty itself.

Look at it 200 million years ago.

To this day, I still can't forget her beautiful face.

It's not that Heyman has any wicked ideas.

Just pure admiration, respect, admiration!

Who can imagine that it is such a woman who created the huge business empire of the World Chamber of Commerce.

Even the Protoss has to give face to the World Chamber of Commerce more or less.

Because the Chamber of Commerce has long been deeply rooted in all aspects of the seven gods, and is tied to the interests of the gods. Once it is uprooted, it will inevitably bring out the radish with hook mud, and the seven gods will also be hurt!

And all this.

It's all the handwriting of a woman!