Space teleportation array, roses with thorns!

In the depths of Fang Qing's eyes, there was a faint flicker of cold light.

The laws of time and space are ready to go.

Da da da...…

In the sound of footsteps, the knight captain's eyes were cold, his expression indifferent, and he slowly approached.

"Enough is enough, do I need to do it myself?"

Finally, passing by, he looked at a woman beside Fang Qing, who was a beautiful maid of the Chamber of Commerce.

The captain of the knight held the instrument, and the crystal screen flashed red light, which reflected the figure of the woman, and there was a golden light spot on her chest, which was a private world she carried with her.

Seeing that the target wasn't him, it was just a false alarm, Fang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, he coldly looked back, and the boiling killing intent in his heart gradually subsided.

"I… my little world has no gods, not even demigods."

The woman was stared at by the captain of the knight, and she couldn't help being a little nervous. She quickly took out the small world with trembling hands, and hurriedly handed it to him.

The knight captain took the small world, inserted his finger in his hand, and asked indifferently, "Are there any of your relatives, friends, etc. in it?"

The woman froze for a moment, shook her head subconsciously, and said crisply: "That's not true, I'm just raising money to make money, but there are more than nine billion creatures of hundreds of clans, all mortals under the demigods… Wait, Stop! What are you doing?!!

She suddenly exclaimed, her voice sullen.


The knight captain's palm radiated light, and the law of the median god was raging, covering the entire small world, erasing the billions of creatures in it in an instant, killing them all.

"Bastard!" The woman scolded angrily, "What are you doing! You have not yet matured and harvested, and you have killed all the creatures cultivated in my world without authorization! Bastard!"

Fang Qing's eyelids jumped.


Fortunately, he didn't hand over the big world, so he deserves to ask this so-called "check"

Is this just a check?

What a slaughter!


The knight captain sneered, "We are following orders. If the evil god hides in a small world and wants to force him to appear, this is the fastest and most efficient way. Is it possible to let us enter your small world, like looking for a needle in a haystack. Let's look around and see if there is any evil spirit?"

While speaking, he casually threw the small world back to the woman.

The woman hurriedly caught Little World, picked it up and shook it, only to hear a few jingles, and a dozen Divine Crystals dropped rhyme.

"damn it!

The woman was furious.

She has been raised in this small world for more than two epochs, and it will mature in a short time. If it is harvested after maturity, it will at least produce Dilemma Divine Crystal.

However, in order to search the evil gods efficiently, the knight captain "harvested" them in advance when they were immature, so that only a dozen god crystals were adopted.

Maybe in the eyes of Fang Qingshi, who is worth over 100 million yuan, the Divine Crystal is nothing but a fart, and he will be impatient when it is thrown on the ground.

But for her, a maid who worked in the World Chamber of Commerce with an annual salary of only 80 divine crystals, it was an extremely heavy loss!

Of course, in Fang Qingshi's eyes, this maid is not worthy of sympathy.

He is most disgusted with this kind of thing that feeds the creatures of the world and uses it to harvest the divine crystals.

Perhaps in the eyes of these native gods and gods, this is a matter of course and righteousness.

A mere billions of ants.

The price of a hundred pieces of the life seed of the god crystal, one can create another world of life.

As for whether these creatures are intelligent creatures? Do they have emotions? Do they have thoughts?


Does God Care?

Obviously not.

Even a little maid, the humblest maid in the Divine Realm, can dominate hundreds of millions of living beings, play with the world… open a farm.

These people who were born in the realm of the gods may feel how miserable they are and how unhappy they are, but if they are born in a small world, they will know what "unfair destiny" is.


Fang Qingyan shook his head as he watched the maid and the knight captain arguing.

He was hooked from the small world. Once upon a time, he was also one of the hundreds of millions of ants, but now he has repeatedly "made waves with the wind" in the realm of the gods, changing from a prey to a hunter, triggering the pursuit of several major gods one after another.

The growth of strength, in exchange for the change of identity.

In a world where the weak eat the strong, the strong have dignity!


The long spear touched the goose neck of the maid Bai Chuan.

The captain of the knight held a gun and said to her coldly: "You are not convinced? Believe it or not, I will turn you into a corpse that cannot express your opinions! 9)

She looked frightened, and immediately became angry.


The captain of the knight put away his spear and entered the store with four people, "Bring all the worlds, we will be able to check them out soon.

"this way please."

Burton invited them to the second floor with a smile, and raised an eyebrow at Fang Qing secretly.

Fang Qing shrugged.

Really messed up.

Wait until the five knights "check" the tens of thousands of worlds sold by the World Chamber of Commerce.

It was night and it was already dark.

After the inspection, the knight captain left with the people and continued to search the next store.


Burton breathed a long sigh of relief, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

He repelled the others and took Fang Qingshi to a room on the second floor.

The interior decoration is elegant and quiet.

"Mr. Fang, I have nothing to entertain guests, so I can only temporarily grieve you for staying here for five days.

Burton respectfully respected Qing Dao, thought for a while, and added, "In order to ensure your safety, it's best not to ask outsiders these days. If you need anything, just tell me, and I will take care of everything for you.

Fang Qing gave him a police look and said with a light smile: "It's not bad, it's hard for you, I won't run around if there is no important thing."

"Then don't disturb Mr. rest, I will retire first.

Burton bowed respectfully and turned to leave.

But suddenly he remembered something, he patted his forehead and said in distress: "How could I forget about this, maybe I'm too nervous today."

Say it.

Burton took out an exquisite storage bag from his arms and handed it to Fang Qing: "This is the crystal of your sixty single mystical artifacts, five to one million, you count them.

Fang Qingshi was not polite to him either.

Take it directly and put it in your arms.

These artifacts are the fruits of his hard work, and trading transactions will naturally yield both money and goods.

He is not one of those grandmasters who were trained from scratch by the World Chamber of Commerce. He owes a debt to the Chamber of Commerce and has to spend a lifetime to repay.

Fang Qing's relationship with the World Chamber of Commerce.

More of a form of transaction.

No one owes anyone anything!

He joined the World Chamber of Commerce for two reasons.

On the one hand, in order to stay in Sale City, prepare to kill Feige.

On the other hand, if you can't be an outer god in the future, if you want to live a peaceful life, you have to find another place to live.

"Well, Burton, I have a question for you.

Fang Qing put down the heavy storage bag in his hand, and suddenly remembered something (money obtained), so he raised his head and looked at Burton seriously.

"You ask!"

"You seem to have mentioned before that these divine crystals are sent here through the teleportation arrays of other branches, right?"

"Indeed. Burton was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "These five-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-dollar divine crystals were transferred from other hundreds of branches in Di World. This way of capital flow and mutual coordination can allow each branch to provide funds when encountering a situation similar to yours, without affecting the normal operation of the branch.

Fang Qingshi nodded and asked again, "In addition to divine crystals, can divine tools be teleported?

"Of course you can!" Burton looked puzzled: "But Mr. Fang asks why this is procrastinating?

The corners of Fang Qing's mouth were slightly raised, revealing a meaningful smile.

His beautiful narrow eyes gradually opened, and he said to Burton:

"I need a mid-level artifact, a sword, a space system, and besides… it must be gorgeous and beautiful in appearance, and this sword must be stunningly beautiful! It's like a rotten rose! 39

Roses are beautiful.

But it has thorns!.