The law is exposed, the organization needs you!

taste one

The starry sky chariot shattered the starry sky, like a dazzling meteor, streaking across the vast universe, dragging its long red-white tail flame.

Soon he left the Great Universe of the World Chamber of Commerce Center and returned to the Eastern Universe.

inside the car.

Fang Qing's expression was changing, and his thoughts were tumbling in his heart.

He's already feeling wrong!

The mysterious president of the chamber of commerce has repeatedly favored himself.

Last time, he rejected the extremely high position of the twelfth-level chief steward, and refused to meet the president with the elder Colin.

The result was unscathed.

Now this time, he argued that he did not obey Colin's "exploitative" orders, and even contradicted Colin in front of the elders.

But still safe and sound!

Very unusual!

Super wrong!

Fang Qing sees that the president has no reason to be so partial to himself, even if he is an excellent seal carving master, he will not indulge him so much.

After all, the large family business of the Chamber of Commerce, such a terrifying business empire, is not enough without a grandmaster.

He didn't even have a chance to bargain…

The president's so-called "favor" did not make Fang Qing feel happy and happy.

On the contrary, he felt a little horrified and became more cautious.

17 "Is the Supreme Law exposed, or the identity of my blood family exposed?

Fang Qingshi sat in the carriage, frowning and thinking hard.

He thinks the former may be bigger!

Previously, in Semi City, he not only killed Feige and Bliss with a single dimension blade, but also slaughtered tens of thousands of Eros gods.

Although the Eros gods have strictly sealed all news about the "Supreme Law".

However, if one hundred secrets are sparse, it is inevitable that wind will leak out; or if you think about it from another angle, the water of the Chamber of Commerce is so deep, it is very likely that a lot of eyeliners have been placed inside the Protoss, so as to secretly report the news to the headquarters. .

That is to say, the president may already know that Fang Qingshi has mastered the matter of airing the Supreme Law.

"She should already know that I have the law of time and space, and the reason why she favored me at the elders meeting is a way of expressing my goodwill. There is only this explanation. I have been targeted, and she wants to develop me' , into a blood race…"

Fang Qingpao's expression was a little dignified, "As for me being the secret of the blood clan, the probability of exposure is very small.

If even the identity of the blood family is exposed.

He has long been invited by the president to drink tea!

There's no need for any bells and whistles.

She could come directly to the door and tell him seriously: Comrade Fang Qing, the organization needs you!

"Oh, it's too messy…"

Fang Qing sighed, rubbing his slender fingers on the temples on both sides, and muttered to himself, "It's better to dig up the secrets of the gods' blood clan earlier, and then consider whether to showdown with these "compatriots", and when… .

He is a blood clan who cultivated the day after tomorrow.

Colin and the others are all innate blood clans, and there are blood clans in their bodies that dominate the blood inheritance of their ancestors.

That is to say… In the eyes of these innate blood clansmen, Fang Qing's bloodline is not "authentic" enough.


Recognize ancestors?

He has no such idea for the time being.

East Desolate Realm, Falling Star City.

The starry sky chariot broke through the air and went straight into the temple of the inner city.

After signing in, enter the consciousness space.

Barbara was as lively as ever, and taught him the secrets of the secrets of the empty locks.

After the experience is over.

Fang Qingying entered the big world, had dinner with his wife and daughters, and spent a relaxing and beautiful family feast.

After the meal, Siyan planned to continue her retreat and practice, and she was getting closer and closer to becoming a god.

"Cultivation should not be in a hurry for quick success. Remember to move steadily and not rashly. 99

Fang Qing told her daughter seriously, "Your talent is not bad, you will become a god sooner or later, don't worry.

"Oh, father, I'm not young anymore, don't worry, be safe!"

Siyan raised her pink fist confidently, and her two beautiful blue eyes became crescent-shaped. She smiled and said, "My dream is beyond yours!"

After saying that, he turned around and slipped away, with his ponytail running behind his back.

Fang Qingjian shrugged helplessly.

Still want to surpass your father and me?

In fact, as long as someone whose realm is lower than him, he can always follow behind, watching his back run, until he can't even see his back.

Siyan's talent is not bad, after all, she is Fang Qingliu's daughter and inherited his genes.

But there is only one traditional…

As for Elizabeth, she is the queen and has to deal with the affairs of the kingdom. There are billions of blood races in the kingdom of Nikara. As the queen, she feels a heavy burden on her shoulders.

After the mother and daughter both left.

Only Fang Qingshi and Caroline were left, and the two smiled at each other.

"I heard that the higher the realm of the gods, the more difficult it is to conceive offspring.

Fang Qing suddenly said to her coldly, "Especially after reaching the upper god, it may not be possible to have children after hundreds of millions of years of hard work."

Just like Elder Hedogne, there are many wives and concubines, but in billions of years, Kaia's only son was born… and was killed by Fang Qing.

Fitch and Bliss are both broken, their fathers are high gods, and they are also only sons!

Caroline has always wanted a child.

Now Fang Qingji is about to be promoted to the upper god.

So…he will suddenly bring up this topic.

"Is that so?"

Caroline's beautiful big eyes blinked twice, her beautiful little face was slightly crimson, and she said in a cramped voice: "This… this, it's time to hurry up."

Fang Qing grinned when he heard the words.

the next day.

The Chamber of Commerce headquarters sent Xiaoren to the East Wasteland Realm.

Fang Qingyan was given six engraving drawings, which not only strictly stipulated the style and structure of the artifact, but also designated the types of profound meanings that each artifact needed to be engraved.

I brought along a few large boxes of materials, and there are hundreds of sets of utensil embryos and profound meaning balls… Fang Qing only needs to compile and engrave thirty sets, then it's ok, the rest of the materials are his own !

"Your lord, did you go well to the World Chamber of Commerce headquarters this time?"

In the workshop, Lauder turned his head to look at Fang Qingshi and asked while packing up the tools and the profound ball.

"It's alright, Colin has given us a task of 827. It is said that the seven gods entrusted the Chamber of Commerce to compile and engrave artifacts, and there are several big lists. No! Just this blueprint, I asked us to make it. Originally, I only needed one Ten pieces are handed in a year, but now this task is heavy, and thirty pieces are to be handed in a year, so it will take some time.

Fang Qingshi pouted, if it weren't for his reasoning, this task would have to be doubled.

Lauder is now a member of the Kingdom of Nikara, and Fang Qing still believes in his loyalty.

So while speaking, he threw the manufacturing blueprint in his hand to Claude.

"Hahaha, it may be difficult for the police to compile and engrave thirty double mystical artifacts every year, but it is not easy for you? At most, you can complete the task in two months.

Lauder smiled and complimented, then opened the drawing and studied it curiously.

After a while, he heard a light "hate" in his mouth.

"Lord, I have discovered something incredible, come and see!

Lauder held the blueprint and hurriedly ran to Fang Qingshi's side.

"What's the big deal?" Fang Qing frowned.

"When I first observed this blueprint, I always felt a little familiar, as if I had seen something similar before. After thinking about it carefully, I found that they were somewhat similar to the drawing of the Shenwei Battle Armor.

Lauder hooked another drawing from the storage space and placed the two drawings in a row for comparison.

"Look, your lord. Do these two drawings have something in common?"


Fang Qing's pupils contracted violently,