Sister and brother, four happy events are coming!

"Wow! I'm really scared, my soul will return to the netherworld, and I will fall into eternal sinking, woo woo…" Barbara burst into tears, tears streaming down her pretty and cute little face. Her eyes were full of fear, her smaller body curled up, her head buried in her knees, her delicate shoulders twitched. Fang Qingyan watched Barbara cry, and felt very uncomfortable. After ten years of getting along day and night, he actually likes Barbara quite a bit, and sometimes even treats her as his sister. When the ancient emperors disappeared, although they knew that they would return their souls to nothingness, they were still calm, calm and fearless. But Barbara's mental age is too young. She was devastated when she was six years old. She finally woke up with a fright, and now she wants to return to nothingness. Although she is quirky and lively, she often pretends to be a senior, and often calls herself a teacher. Fang Qing has always seen through. It's just a matter of asking her to stop acting, but he actually treats Barbara as his little sister more. "Ah~ Fang Qing sighed, walked in front of her, squatted down, then reached out and patted Barbara's shoulder lightly, and said softly, "The police cried. "Wuuu~ I don't want to leave you." Barbara was depressed, she raised her head, looked at Fang Qingjian with tears in her eyes, choked up, "No one will talk to me in the future, no one will talk to me. Chat with me, you will gradually forget me in the long years…" She took a deep breath and whispered: "I know that sooner or later you will learn to lock the time and prison, and sooner or later this day will come. Come. I thought I was mentally prepared, but now I find that I can't bear to live in this world, I can't bear to die, and I can't bear to die. She is just a photo of her soul, and when her energy is exhausted, she will completely disappear from the world. "I… I'm leaving. Barbara was silent for two seconds, then stood up, she raised her hand to wipe her tears, and No. 827 smiled. She laughed, and Shui Lingling's big eyes turned into two beautiful crescent moons. Her tender and soft voice trembled slightly, but she took a deep breath and shouted: "I have been with you for ten years. Very happy! 93 Fang Qing felt a little colicky in his heart. His handsome eyes stared at Barbara, his expression was serious, and his voice was serious: "This is not a permanent police, just a temporary separation, when I practice the fifth profound meaning one by one. History repeats itself, we can see you again, Barbara. And… I heard that the law of reincarnation can bring the dead back to life. If I have the opportunity to step into reincarnation, I will definitely break through the hell and bring you back! "Not only you, but also the ancient emperors, come back together!" The voice was sonorous and powerful, full of firmness. Barbara was stunned for a moment, and two lines of clear tears flowed down. Crystal teardrops slipped down his cheeks and fell towards the universe, but they soon turned into nothingness and disappeared into the world. "Thank you…Brother." Doesn't Barbara regard Fang Qingyan as a reliable elder brother? Boom! The picture is broken. Fang Qingyan looked at the four walls of the empty secret room, and there was a wisp of uncertainty in his eyes. Feel the power of the upper god that destroys the sky and destroy the earth in the body, and feel this powerful strength. Admittedly, this is the help of the system. But what if it wasn't a gift from them? "Fantong, what is the essence of taking a photo of the soul? After a few seconds of silence, Fang Qing called out Fantong. Fantong's reply was also very quick: "Ding! Host, take a photo of the soul, The afterimage of consciousness left by the gods above the main gods during his lifetime. In fact, it is not the soul of the deceased that teaches you the profound truth, but a surviving body of consciousness. They perished long ago, and their souls were scattered. I just recreated their consciousness based on the history of their lives, and that's it. Fang Qingyan nodded and asked in a deep voice: "The law of reincarnation, can they be resurrected?" "The law of reincarnation, no."

Fang Qing's heart sank, and then he heard the system continue, "But the law of time and space plus the law of reincarnation is feasible! 99

"Is that so?" He was a little surprised.

"Ding! The premise is that the host cultivates it to the highest level."

"Okay, I understand.

Fang Qingchuan took a deep breath and nodded late.

He went from the last blood clan to the upper gods, and witnessed the departure of many people.

Carstein, Morpheus, this old man.

The Fox Emperor, the Wu Emperor, and the Ghost Emperor are the three companions of the Heaven-fighting.

Now add the old man in black, the ancient emperor, Barbara…

Fang Qingshi misses these old friends very much.

Bring them back to life if given the chance.

Then he is willing to do his best for it!

"The higher gods are the beginning, and I have a long way to go. 33

Fang Qing whispered to himself.

There is still Barbara's tearful eyes in my mind; the heartbreaking "brother" still echoes in my ears


Fang Qingchuan's joy in breaking through the upper god was diluted by a heavy heart.

He walked from the secret room.

Immediately, I felt two very powerful and vast auras of law raging and roaring in the sky above Nikara's subjugation.


He was stunned for a while, and then his expression became happy, "Siyan and Elizabeth, are about to break into the realm of gods? Why is it so sudden?"

Fang Qingshi thought about it and understood.

Elizabeth and Siyan's mother and daughter are cultivating, and he has just broken through the upper gods, causing a lot of movement, the mysterious spirit of the gods rushes into the sky, and the profound meaning of the law pervades, so that it affects them both invisible.

Very good.

To be on the safe side, Fang Qingyan sealed off the entire underground palace with laws to protect his wives and daughters from disturbing them.


Suddenly, two terrifying laws of blood emerged one after another.

A beautiful image appeared in the void, the law of blood surging and roaring around Elizabeth, like a red rose that bloomed proudly, covering half of the sky, Elizabeth, who was wearing a long white dress and a crown, was like a nine-day fairy. Walk from the stamens.

The beauty is unparalleled, the country is alluring.


Another blood-colored rose bloomed.

The law of blood is like a vast and boundless ocean, surging.

A beautiful shadow emerged, and the breath of the lower gods permeated.

"Wow! Hi Mom, Damn it, you're one step ahead!"

Siyan shouted aggrievedly, stomping her feet in anger, "Okay, it turns out that you are busy with government affairs every day just pretending, and you have been secretly cultivating."

She is determined to become the first god in the family after Caroline.

But I didn't expect that, in the end, I was defeated by my mother!

So angry!

Iraq (bhad) Lisa Bai smiled slyly: "Your mother will always be your mother.

"Woooo~ Father, look, she bullied me!"

Siyan could only cast a look of help from Fang Qingshi, her little face aggrieved.

Fang Qingyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and shrugged helplessly: "Come on, just condense the godhead, let's stabilize the realm first. Didn't you see your mother quietly adjusting to the power of the lower gods? You fall back in a while, it will be very difficult. Funny.

When Siyan heard the words, she quickly lowered her mind, closed her beautiful eyes, and consolidated her realm.

Within a day, a family of three broke through the realm one after another.

The resulting movement was terrifying, with one wave after another.

Everyone in the kingdom of Nikara showed ecstatic eyes, the queen of the blood family became a god, the princess became a god, and the master of the family also made a breakthrough!

For a time, the whole country celebrated, and the people of the blood clan rejoiced. Every family cooked sheep and slaughtered cattle, and took out the freshest blood and wine.

Congratulations to the Queen! Congratulations to the Princess!

Congrats to Cappe! Congrats to the Kingdom!

Congratulations to the Lord! Congratulations to the blood family!

"Okay, I've gotten used to the divine gap. Elizabeth's beautiful eyes opened and she said with a smile.

"Me too!" Si Yan was not to be outdone.

The two forces fluctuated very quickly, and also went away very quickly, Elizabeth and Si Jian successfully broke through to the god level.

The people of the Cape clan all cast envious glances at the mother and daughter.

Petricia and Dracula, the two of them are not so envious, because they are about to break through the lower gods…

Elizabeth and Siyan slowly landed from the sky.

"Father, my mother and I have finally broken through the god-level. Sooner or later, I will catch up with you.

Si Yan is proud and authentic.

Fang Qing couldn't help but smile: "You little slicker, how can you be more competitive than me? Your father, I'm already a high-ranking god, you can chase after me slowly. If you can see my taillights, you will win."

"What are taillights?"

As a native of the world, Siyan has never heard the story of Qiu Mingshan.

"Cough cough.

Fang Qingshi changed the subject, looked at Lu Elizabeth, and said with emotion, "It's really strange for a family of three to break through at the same time, like we are really happy today!

Previously, his joy in breaking through the upper god was diluted by the sudden departure of Barbara.

Now, the joy of three joys at the door has once again washed away the heavy heart in my heart.

"No, it's not just three happy arrivals."

Suddenly, a pleasant voice came from the ear.

Fang Qing followed the reputation and saw Caroline walking towards her. Her beautiful face was filled with a sweet smile, her beautiful eyes were filled with tenderness and happiness, and her figure was graceful:

To be exact, it should be four happy arrivals.

Four happy arrivals?

Fang Qing was stunned and asked suspiciously, "Where does Yixi come from?!

Hearing him ask, Elizabeth and Caroline looked at each other and smiled mysteriously.

"I'll say it, I'll say it!"

Siyan couldn't wait to jump and said to the other side with a smile, "Yesterday, my mother found out that Aunt Caroline is also pregnant, plus my father, my mother, and me breaking through the realm, these are four happy events. So, it is four happiness. Door!"



Fang Qing's eyes widened, and she hurriedly looked at Caroline with burning eyes.

Seeing her, she nodded shyly, and said "um".

Fang Qingyan was ecstatic, his eyes filled with joy, and he burst into laughter.

Once the upper god is reached, it is as difficult to conceive an offspring as it is to ascend to the sky, and it may not be possible for billions of years.

Caroline's stomach hasn't moved for ten years.

Both were anxious before.

But Fang Qing couldn't say to stop cultivating and break through the upper gods after having a child.

Unexpectedly, after ten years of hard work, at the end, Caroline finally became pregnant with his flesh and blood, and she was going to have another population!

"Four joys come, good, good, good!

Fang Qing's face was flushed, and he laughed loudly, "The order goes on, the world will be amnesty, and the kingdom will be exempt from tax for three years! 93

With one order, the world will be blessed.

The whole kingdom of Nikolai was jubilant.

The nobles held dance parties, cocktail parties, celebrations, and people who came to give gifts came in an endless stream.

The common people gathered together happily and prepared a lot of food. The whole country of the Nikola Kingdom celebrated. It was so lively!

Fang Qing regards the Divine Realm as walking on thin ice, taking every step of the way, always accompanied by danger, and he does not dare to relax for a moment.

A day like today is truly rare.

It is also the happiest day for him since the success of the cutting!

As everyone knows.

Ximeng, who has been forbearing for ten years, has begun to plan revenge against him!