Dead and living things, see the teacher again

Hearing Fang Qingshi's words, the fisherman nodded.

Diaoyu Weng said: "I divide the cultivation process of historical reproduction into two steps, one is the realm of dead objects and the other is the realm of living objects."

"Understanding the reappearance of history, you can use their residual shadows in history, you can obtain the power they left behind, and you can cultivate to the depths, and you can also find your own imprints left in history. 1

The fishing Weng Ma robe was lightly rolled up, and the laws of time and space in front of him appeared with layers of waves.

A rushing river suddenly reflected in front of the two of them. The color of the river turned yellow. Standing in front of the river, Fang Qing felt the desolation that rushed toward him.



The fisherman shouted with a serious face.

I saw that the long river of history was still, and the imprints that only existed in history were wrapped in bubbles and slowly floated over the long river of history.

The phantoms in each bubble are different, and they all represent the strong and the things that have appeared in history.

Fishing Weng was lying on top of a bubble at the moment, and the phantom Fang Qing Olive in the bubble was very familiar, that was his fourth teacher, Ling Po.

With his right hand on the bubble, he said calmly.

"Going back and forth between sentient beings, and perishing in a place of nothingness.

"Listen to my call and appear, and live on my mission.

I saw the bubbles burst, the imprint drilled into the long river of history, and the body of the 840 concubine floated out from the bottom of the long river of history, lying on her back on the river.

Fang Qing's jaw dropped in shock when Ling Po's hook appeared.

Fang Qingpao said in amazement: "I didn't expect that the forgotten ones could be reproduced? Then if I get into a hard fight in the future, I can fight against the enemy as long as I summon a few teachers, Yun, who are at the master or master level."

History reappears this profound meaning and refreshes the cognition of Fangqing once again.

Lingpo stood up from the river, opened her eyes, and saw the fisherman who awakened her.

Ling Po said with a smile: "The fishermen, wake up those people too.

The fisherman nodded, and then clicked on the other bubbles.

The bubble burst, and the imprint fell into history.

First was Gu Di Gouxian, then Barbara, and finally the black-robed old man.

In the consciousness space, six people gathered together.

Ling Po had just finished teaching Fang Qing, and the two simply said hello.

Then he turned his eyes to Barbara, still the cute little Loli.

"Great, the cute and invincible girl in the universe is alive again. 22

Barbara died (bhad) very early, and the desire for life is far more than everyone imagines.

Barbara is very happy to be awakened from the long history.

Fang Qing and Barbara fought a few words, and then turned their eyes to the ancient emperor.

For the ancient emperor, he admired from the bottom of his heart.

"Teacher, we meet again."

Gu Di smiled and said: "Yeah! We meet again. You didn't disappoint me. 99

Hearing the ancient emperor's words, Fang Qingshi smiled.

After greeting Gu Di, he looked at his first teacher.

Until now, he didn't know what the black-robed old man's name was.

Taking this opportunity, Fang Qing wanted to know the name of the black-robed old man.

Teacher, "Now that I have reached the fifth profound truth, I know the names of other teachers, but yours is the only one that I don't know. Can you tell my apprentice?"

The black-robed old man sighed and shook his head.

"The name is just a code, why not remember it, and why not remember it?"

"I didn't tell you my name, why should I ask now?

The black-robed old man didn't want to say anything, and Fang Qingshi didn't ask any more.

In addition to Diaoyu Weng, several of his other teachers also personally inspected Fang Qingshi's cultivation.

The four profound meanings of the Profound Truth Time-Space Blade, the Profound Truth Time-Space Back Lake, the Profound Meaning Space-Lock Time Prison, and the Profound Meaning Time-Space Domain are now in front of the four teachers under Fang Qing's hard operation.

The four ancient emperors were very satisfied with Fang Qingshi's ability to use it proficiently.

Everyone talked for a while, and the time for history to reappear came to an end, and the four teachers returned to nothingness.

In the consciousness space, there are only two people left, Diaoyu Weng and Fang Qingshi.

Weng Diaoyu told Fang Qingpao that if he wants to reproduce the powerhouses of the past, he must experience the succession in person to reproduce.

Fang Qing asked suspiciously, "Experience yourself?"

"Yes, things without personal experience cannot be pulled from the long river of history."

Fisherman gave an example.

The universe has gone through several epochs, and countless strong men have been born, and if you want to pull them out of the long history, it is not enough to know the names.

The strong who reproduce the rhythm of history must experience it by themselves.

Just like his other four teachers, who once taught him to study and spent some time with him, this has been witnessed by the long history.

What has not been experienced is like rootless water, even if you know the name, you cannot reproduce it.

Fang Qingshi's words made Fang Qingshi realize that even if he learns to reproduce the history, the only strong people who can reproduce the hook are his own teachers.

And even so, Fang Qingshi is also very satisfied, from the black-robed old man to the current fisherman, the weakest teachers all have the strength of the Six Mysterious Perfection Master God.

Weng Diaoyu didn't care about Fang Qing's thoughts, and continued to speak calmly.

"In addition to bringing those dead powers back to the present time and space, the reappearance of history can also make those supreme artifacts that have disappeared in history, reappear their divine power."

"However, in order to reproduce these artifacts, the premise is that you have to come into contact with them.

Fang Qingshi can understand the words of the fisherman. If you want to reproduce the artifact in history, you must contact it yourself, know what the artifact looks like, and know what structure it is.

Otherwise, just knowing a name and wanting to reproduce it would be impossible.

The fisherman didn't finish speaking here.

He gently supported the hat on his head and stood up from the big stone.

Fishing Weng said with a smile: "The power of historical reappearance is far higher than you think. 99

"Waking up the dead to help fight and summoning those artifacts from the long history is just a simple way to fight the enemy.

"The real function of historical reappearance is actually to bring you back from the dead, that is, the so-called resurrection. 99

Fang Qing could not believe it when he heard the words "resurrection from the dead".

Cultivation to the stage of the gods, although there is an infinite lifespan, but if you are killed, it is really dead.

Even if there are life-saving means to avoid death, it cannot be called resurrection from the dead, it can only be counted as no real death.

Diaoyu Weng explained with a smile: "The success of reappearing and comprehending the history of profound meanings means that you have become a part of history. If you are killed by the enemy, you can return from history."