Seven Gods meeting, ten thousand year agreement!

Fang Qing cut down this goal and did not say rhyme in front of the fishing man. He knew that once he said the rhyme, he would probably be reprimanded by the fishing man.

The goal he set for himself is really too harsh. If he wants to comprehend the recurrence of history in the rough years, the probability is extremely small, and it is extremely difficult to accomplish.

As a policeman, Fang Qing welcomes the big world again, and "closes" himself into the space-time domain again.

At the same time, a big event happened to the Seven Gods.

The Haijie Mountain, which is located at the junction of the center of the Seven Gods, is now full of seven gigantic starry sky cars.

Each chariot with starry sky is luxuriously decorated, and the chariots of the starry sky are guarded by one by one Protoss soldiers.

Haijie Mountain, Xingya Pavilion.

An old man in silver armor sat in the main seat, tapping his right hand on the table.

If "840" Fang Qing was here at this time, it is possible to know this old man. This old man was the elder of the God Clan who chased and killed him when he was in Hermera.

The old man in silver armor summoned a Hermeran expert.

The old man frowned: "Has the people sent by the Eros protoss not arrived yet?"

The Hemora Protoss powerhouse who was being questioned hurriedly bowed.

"Elder Beni, Elder Fauci of the Eros Protoss has just arrived and is now heading towards this direction."

Hearing the words of his subordinates, the silver-armored old man nodded.

At this time, in the entire Xingya Pavilion, a total of five old men were sitting around the round table.

Apart from the Protoss elder Fauci who was still on the road, the other five old men and the silver-armored old man were all from the Seven Gods.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, something happened on the road, so it's been a long time coming.

Before the people arrived, the voice of Fauci, the elder of the Eros God clan, came from afar.

When the other elders heard Fauci's words, they turned their heads and looked at the door.

"Fauci, you haven't been like this once or twice, I can't tell, how many times are you late?


"Eros God Clan can still send you here, I really don't know what you think?

There is no harmony within the Seven Gods, and the old man who just spoke was the one of the Gods that was hostile to the Eros Gods, Vanir.

After the old man finished speaking, Fauci looked at the old man with a gloomy expression.

"Cross, the Eros gods are the most annoying to despise. You'd better accept your words, otherwise you will become a sinner of the Eros gods and the Vanir gods. Once the two gods go to war, even if you are an elder, it is useless.

Hearing Fauci's words, Kuros wanted to speak, but after thinking about it, he finally closed his mouth.

In this battle of words, Fauci won in the end.

The silver-armored old man patted the table and looked at the surrounding elders with a serious face.

"Okay, okay, they're all from the Seven Gods, what's so noisy?

"Besides, this time I invited you to come, not to make you quarrel.

After the silver-armored old man finished speaking, a piece of golden paper came out from his storage space.

"It's not too long before the God Burying Remnant Realm opens, you must have heard that the mysterious president of the World Chamber of Commerce wants to buy a place to enter the God Burying Remnant Realm.

As soon as the silver-armored old man finished speaking, several elders immediately clapped the table, especially the elder of the Vanir Protoss, Kuros.

Chloe sneered and said: "Where is the God Burial Remnant World? It is the stronghold of our Seven Gods and belongs to our entire Seven Gods. 99

"What qualifications does an organization like the World Chamber of Commerce have to follow our disciples into the God Burial Remnant Realm?"

Originally, the Seven Gods had strict control over the God-Breaking Remnant Realm, and never allowed outsiders who were not the Seven Gods to enter. Moreover, because of the special nature of the God-Burning Remnant Realm, the number of places was limited. If they agreed to give a place to the World Chamber of Commerce, there would definitely be one. The Protoss wants to make a hook.

Elder Kuros' words happened to be the thoughts of the other two elders who beat the table.

The silver-armored old man also understands that there is a great opportunity hidden in the God Burial Remnant Realm. Although it is extremely dangerous, as long as one more person enters, it is possible for one more main god to be created by his own god clan.

The silver-armored old man said with a stern face: "I can understand your thoughts, but the elder Colin of the World Chamber of Commerce asked us not to refuse so early. I heard the price of his hook before, and I was a little moved.

"In order to take care of the interests of the various Protoss, I have invited him over.

After the silver-armored old man finished speaking, he clapped his hands and told his men to go down and invite the elder Colin.

After a while, Elder Colin followed the guards into the hall, and everyone greeted Elder Colin.

The Seven Gods have an interest relationship with the World Chamber of Commerce, so even if the Seven Gods look down on the World Chamber of Commerce, they will not express it on the surface.

Elder Colin was placed in the middle of the meeting by the silver-armored elder.

The silver-armored old man said with a smile: "Kelin, they are all old acquaintances, and everyone here knows them. Just following the request of your chamber of commerce, I have already told the elders, but the effect is not very good.

Elder Colin smiled.

Thank you "Gap, the effect is not very good, which is also within my expectation. 97

"So in order to get the elders here to agree, with great sincerity, I am determined to impress the elders with practical actions.

Hearing Elder Colin's words, Kuros didn't believe it and laughed a little.

Elder Colin didn't care, and still had a smile on his face.

"It seems that Elder Kuros doesn't believe it. Let me first talk about the offer made by the Chamber of Commerce in order to be able to buy the quota for the God Burial Remnant Realm. 99

"This time, in order to buy this place, it can be said that our World Chamber of Commerce is bound to win.

"We are willing to provide 20 high-level artifacts with three profound meanings, 200 pieces of high-level artifacts with double mystical meanings, and one can of high-level artifacts with single profound meanings to the seven gods for free…"

Before the elder Colin could finish speaking, Kuros interrupted him.

With a sneer on his face, Kuros said, "Dangdang World Chamber of Commerce, do you think these things can buy a 0.3 quota to enter the God Burial Remnant Realm? Is your World Chamber of Commerce a bit of a daydream? The zero is not comparable.

Hearing Kuros' words, the elder Colin got up and wanted to refute, but before he could speak, the silver-armored old man interrupted Kuros' words.

The silver-armored old man said solemnly: "Kulos, this is the conference hall, not your Vanir Protoss."

"Colin hasn't finished speaking yet, if you interrupt people again and again like this, don't blame me for kicking you out. 33

Hearing the words of the silver-armored old man, although Kuros felt a little resentful in his heart, he still kept his mouth shut.

Seeing this, the elder Colin shook his head and said: "Just around is the offer from our World Chamber of Commerce, but we plan to extend this offer for 10,000 years.