The collapse of the big world? Break through the five profound meanings

"It's just that this big world can no longer bear this aura. Once Brother Fang really breaks through here, the whole big world will be destroyed." Elizabeth's words are exactly what everyone is most worried about. If Fang Qinghard succeeded in breaking through in the big world, apart from Fang Qingshi's astonishing and Lauder, other Nikolai people would definitely be buried in the big world. Elizabeth was a little anxious and hurriedly discussed with Caroline. Caroline said solemnly: "Now there is no way to keep Nikara's people, the only way is to wake up the husband and let him break through outside the big world. Hearing Caroline's words, the others nodded. The five daughters Thinking of a way, they plan to use the mental shock to pass the news that the big world is about to collapse to Fang Qing. "One, two, three, four, five. "Five mental shocks hit Fang Qing's mind at the same speed. "Brother Fang, I'm Elizabeth, the big world is about to collapse, you can't break through here…" "Father, mother and Aunt Elizabeth are very anxious, Now the whole big world is like doomsday…" The voices of the five women aroused Fang Qing's will. Fang Qing could feel that if his strength was bigger, the whole big world would be broken. He seemed to see Nikolai The death of the people, the 840 Nikara people turned into dust under the explosion of the big world. Fang Qing grimaced, and the sky roared. "No, I won't let this happen. The moment he was conscious, Fang Qing immediately left the Great World and is now in the Eastern Desolate Realm. As a super-large world, the strength of the space barriers in the Eastern Desolate Realm can certainly resist Fang Qingjie's breakthrough. And when Fang Qingjian just lay in the Eastern Wilderness Realm, this aura reached its peak. The powerful aura made the entire temple sway. The top of the temple was broken by Fang Qing's impact, and it looked like an open-air window. At this moment, all the people in the Eastern Desolate Realm looked up at the sky above the temple. In the sky above the temple, one after another force was drawn into the temple, which looked extremely spectacular. A deity who was working in the temple asked suspiciously: "The world master has broken through to the upper god of the five profound meanings?" After hearing this, the deity next to him nodded involuntarily. The god who was working in the temple said in surprise: "I remember when the realm master just came, the cultivation base was the same as me, only the upper god of the three profound meanings." "Now I am still the upper god of the three profound meanings, and the realm master has broken through to the five profound meanings. The upper god, I really want to know how the world master cultivates?" The god next to him turned his head, patted the other's shoulder, his face was serious, and he sighed earnestly. "These all depend on your talent. With your talent, it's no use asking. Fang Qing's breakthrough has not only spread throughout the Eastern Desolate Realm, but also spread to the Nies headquarters as soon as possible. The top floor of the World Chamber of Commerce is still the familiar one. The guild leader said with a smile: "Kolin, you just said, that kid's cultivation base has broken through to the Five Mysterious High Gods?" People, they have already sent a video, according to the breath of this breakthrough, I think it is that Fang Qing. Fang Qing's talent shocked the two of them. As blood clansmen, they are well-informed, and their years of experience have made them calm. But Fang Qingshi's breakthrough was completely unreasonable, so the two did not know how to express it. The elder Colin said eagerly: "President, according to the current situation, this kid's talent is far beyond our imagination, if we don't control it now, until the next time his cultivation base breaks through, it will be more difficult to control him. "I think you can give him the first embrace now, otherwise it will change later." The president understands Elder Colin's worries, but she still shook her head for the idea of ​​giving Fang Qing the first embrace. The president said solemnly: "There are still five years left, and the God Burial and Remnant Realm will be opened. If we want to get that thing, Fang Qingshi is very important to us. 9

"Forcing him (bhad) now to embrace him for the first time will greatly reduce the probability of getting that thing if he bears a grudge."99

"I have seen from him that you have a higher talent in seal carving than you. With him, it will be easier to break the ban."

"In the current situation, we cannot let him accept the first embrace, only after this matter is completed, we will come out of the God Burial Remnant Realm, and then let him accept the first embrace.

The elder Colin thought about it and felt that it was indeed reasonable.

And he felt that Fang Qing had just broken through to the Five Profound Truths, and he did not know when the next breakthrough would be.

Comprehending the sixth profound truth is far more difficult than comprehending the previous five profound truths.

"Colin, this kid has broken through to the Five Profound Truths, and since we know it, we should congratulate him and leave this matter to you.

In order to win over Fang Qing, the president lowered his posture even more.

East Desolate Realm, the temple.

Fang Qing looked at the space of consciousness, and the yellow-white light representing the reappearance of history quickly entered the godhead, and a symbol hooked on the godhead.

Only one-sixth of the area on the Godhead is still blank.

History has reappeared and entered the godhead, and other profound meanings are also shining violently at this moment.

The dimensions do not evolve, the silver crescent moon is hanging in the air.

Time and space retrospective evolution, time and space domain evolution, space lock time prison evolution.

The rays of light of the four profound meanings danced on Fang Qing's godhead, like a dancing white flame.

At the end of the evolution, Fang Qing's divine body also made a violent noise.

The violent noise intensified Fang Qingshi's strength, causing his feet to sink directly into the ground of the temple.

The divine body was strengthened again, and Fang Qing's power was not controlled after his breakthrough.

When the evolution was complete, Fang Qinglian opened his eyes and tried to control his power.

With complete power control, Fang Qing's consciousness entered the soul again for the first time.

Fang Qing respectfully looked at the fisherman in front of him.

"Teacher, Xin is not humiliated, I finally understand the mystery of the reappearance of history.

Speaking of which, Fang Qing recited words in his mouth, patted the mark in his hand, and one after another force entered the long river of history.

The ancient emperor, Barbara, the spirit woman, and the black-robed old man, the four of them walked from the long river of history to inquire one after another.

Their feet traversed the long river of history until they reached the opposite side of Fang Qinghard.

Ling Po said with a smile: "Little Fang, you didn't disappoint us, you have realized it in such a short time, far beyond our imagination. 33

"In the future, the lives of our old bones will be handed over to you.

As soon as Ling Po finished speaking, the other four teachers nodded as well.

The teachers did not speak much, but they expressed their meanings very firmly, which made Fang Qingshi feel very moved.